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I've learned the words of the humans so they dont get suspicious. Nezu decided it was time to evolve us with the humans.

So, here we are, in an 'apartment'. Nezu has started shutting people down, specifically fake heroes. Any dirt he can dig up on them is used to destroy them.

I follow along side him wherever he goes, for I despise the humans and rather not be left alone again. No one ever notices me, I'm fine with it though. When I do speak up I tend to scare people. I'm used to observing and interfering when necessary.

(50 years later)

Nezu was claimed as the principal of a school named UA a few years ago. I still stick by him and watch.

Nezu is smart, but not like me. I've seen to much and been around far too long. Sometimes Nezu will get himself into unpredictable moments. There have been occasions where someone has tried to attack him so I had to step in.

He recently asked one of my, personaly favorite humans, to teach at his school. They used to come here and learn a few years back, their names are, Aizawa Shota and Yamada Hizashi.

They have wild personalities, but you only get to see Shotas after you've known him for awhile and are friends. He's already expelled alot of the people in his class due to them not being heroic, so Nezu called him in for a meeting.

There was a knock on the door and Nezu called for them to come in.

"Ah! Aizawa, its wonderful to see you."

"Likewise." Nezus smile became bigger.

"Woyld you like some tea?"

"No thank you. I rather get to the point."

"Always straightforward. A friend of mine will be looking over you and your class just to observe. You wont even notice that he is there."

"A friend?"

"Yep! He'll be observing your classes for years to come." Why am I being dragged in to this?

"Is this friend of yours on their way? Are we gonna have a meeting with the rest of the staff? Will he be watching other classes besides mine? Is he annoying?

"My friend is already here in the room, I'll have him watch over other classes too, we will have a meeting, and he is no where near annoying."

"Hes in the room!?"

"Why yes! Izuku, please come here?"

Aizawa just sat there staring at me. I guess hes surprised he cant sense my presence at all even with me right here. I simply stared back, taking it as a challenge.

"When will the meeting be?" He shivered and turned away from me and Nezu.

"In 10mins." He snapped his head back towards us.

I started my walk towards the meeting room, hearing their steps behind me quickly catching up. When I arrived people didnt notice me as usual. All 3 of us sat down, waiting for them to quiet down.

"When's Nezu gonna get here?" I think his name is Vlad King.

"Actually, I'm already here." Everyone screamed and jumped away. I let a smile slip, Nezu always knows how to amuse me.

"Anyways, once you're all done being terrified, we'll start. First up, we have a new staff member. Her name is Nemuri Kayama, she should be joining us soon." Aizawa groaned and Yamada cheered.

"Second, I'll be having a friend of mine watch over everyone's classes. You'll never know if he is there or not, so no worries."

"Is this friend going to show up soon?" Yamada asked.

"Hes been standing right behind me this entire time." Everyone looked towards me with surprised faces.

Then the door opened and in walked Nemuri.

"Nemuri, welcome! You'll be watching Yamadas class and helping him so you can get the hang of it." After he said that the bell to signal classes were starting rang. They all immediately left, leaving us alone again.


"Yes Nezu?"

"Can you watch Aizawas class first?" I simply smiled and started my way towards the door.

"Of course child."

I walked in to his classroom and sat at his desk, even though he was talking to them and all attention was to the front of the room, they didnt see me.

I think I've seen some of these children before. One looked at me with surprise, I locked eye contact with him. I guess he didnt hear the rest of the speech, because when everyone else stood up he was still sitting. Aizawa noticed and looked towards where he was staring.

"Can you tell me when you enter a room or something? You scare the death out of me." I just turned towards him and stood. I looked back towards the black haired child before leaving to the training field.

Who do yall think it was? What will happen next? Which class is this? I guess you'll find out soon.

(796 words in the story part.)

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