The Talk and a new friend

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Izukus pov:

We both sat in silence. 'Tomura' left awhile ago upon his 'masters' request. A clicking started, latches being undone, a face now free. Hair as white as the snow that often comes during the winter, piercing red eyes the shade of blood. He averted his eyes, refusing to make eye contact, I could tell he was scared of my anger, my disappointment towards him.

" Its been a long time. What have you been up to recently? I hope it has nothing to do with those missing children." He flinched back and looked at me. His mouth opened and closed, just as he did when he was a child looking for a lie to tell.

"Shigiraki. I know when your lying, speak the truth and you'll make it out alive, try to tell lies and I might just kill you. Its been 400 years, I hoped you would've learned something in that time." I could only glare harder. The child I used to look after in one of my disguises is the most feared villain in history.

He stood from his seat and walked away, stopping by the door. He turned his head and looked me in the eyes for a brief second.

"Follow me.." We were soon walking down corridors, descending stairs and passing doors with scratching and crying inside. I could feel myself losing control of a presence inside me that could suffocate anything. He started to struggle to walk under the pressure, looking back from time to time to see my expression.

We reached the end of a hall with only one door on the far end. He hesitated to turn the handle, thinking, so I moved forward and opened it myself and shoved him in following right after.

I lost all control. Glass started shattering, the building was shaking and Shigiraki was on the ground along with a scientist, stuck under the pressure I was releasing. Creatures that I could only guess were from people over the years fell when their tubes shattered. They all rose to their feet and just stood their. They no longer had control with their bodies in such a state.

A mist formed in the room and out stepped Tomura and a man covered in it. They both immediately collapsed.

Before I knew it I had Shigiraki on his feet infront of me.

"What is this?" My voice reached dangerous levels. I was almost hissing the words that came out of my mouth. The fear on his face told me he would try to avoid me for as long as he could, that he would stop all the madness he created. So I dropped him back to the floor. I regained myself and walked out the door. I'm pissed, I really am. Before I could completely step out the door I stopped, but kept my back to them.

"I'll be back Shigaraki. Wait for me."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1hr later

Third pov:

Izuku could be seen walking around town. Thoughts in his head swirling, Consuming him. His eyes had gone blank hours ago. The images of children taken from over the years, sudden disappearances from adults with worried friends and family, each and everyone flashing in his head. He had taken control of his presence awhile ago so as to not crush surrounding objects. But even now it can still be felt, it made him visible to other people.

He passed by a small grocery store somewhere far from U.A. . Walking slowly by with his head high and face blank. A woman called out. A short one with long green hair in a half bun and a kind smile on her face.

"Are you alright young man?" He looked at the woman, he tried to smile but failed, so he tried looking away. Yet his walking stopped and the woman's came closer. He managed to get out some words but not many.

"I'm.......*sigh*... I'm just a little angry with someone right now." The woman's face softened and a her smile was the kindest he had seen in too many years.

"Anger is such a sad concept we humans hold for each other. Anger only causes recklessness, and as Mark Twain once said, 'Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured'. A person should be able to forgive and forget, but when we can't, let go only for awhile, but never forget. It'll help you regain your mind, your control of yourself. Freedom of the stress anger brings does wonders for a person who can let go and try to forget than someone who holds on tightly and never forgives or forgets." Izukus eyes widened and in the first time in forever he cried, tears that have never fallen from his eyes before, but he knew exactly what was going on.

He reached out and hugged the woman giving her hundreds of thank yous.

"Its been a long while since I've met a person with a soul as kind as yours. Thank you so, so, so much. In any way I can, I'll help you for as long as you need." The woman had been surprised when the young man hugged her with tears running down his face. She could only hug back and try to comfort him as best she could.

"I think it's time we both head home now, don't you think?" Izuku let go of her and realization of the fact he had been walking without paying attention to where he was caught up to him. He let out an awkward laugh.

"I...don't know where I am ma'am. I started walking without paying attention."

"Where do you live hun?" Izuku turned his face away at this a small blush coming to his cheeks from embarrassment.

"Musutafu, ma'am." The woman's eyes widened.

"But we're in Jaku City! Musutafu is 4hrs away!"

( I want yall to be quiet for a moment. I tried to remember and look up how far away it was from musutafu and gave up, it's to late for my brain to be working that hard.)

Izuku looked at her and seemed to get lost in thought but Inko is to kind for us all.(shut up you idiot!)

" You can stay with me for tonight, but by morning or afternoon you have to head home." Inko held a reassuring look.(Stap) Izuku thought about it for a moment.

"Only if it's fine with you, then it's fine with me." The woman smiled and started to walk towards her home with Izuku trailing behind.

"OH! My name is Inko Midoria! It's a pleasure to meet you and have you stay over, but I figured I tell you that I'll have some friends at my house soon if they aren't already there."

"Its alright. It's your home. I am simply a guest that will be leaving for home soon." Izuku smiled finally recognizing there was at least one good in the world.

1169 words

( I hope you enjoyed. My fingers hurt and so does my brain. Love you all my little demon mortals.)

You are all now my little demon mortals by the way..

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