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Third person pov~

Izuku could be seen sitting in the living room with Inko, both holding a cup of tea in their hands. They had both been sitting there waiting for the guests to arrive, so they talked. On the small coffee table infront of them were cookies and other small treats as well as a tea kettle and three other tea cups upside down waiting to be used.

Before they knew it there was a knock at the door making them pause their conversation.

"OH! They're here." Inko stood up and walked to the door. Even though she knew who was there, she still checked the peep hole to be sure. Then came another knock when she was starting to unlock the door.

"Hello Mitsuki! I hope you don't mind that I already have someone over. He needed somewhere to stay for the night."

When the three walked in and took off their shoes, Mitsuki quickly made her way over to Izuku.

"Who are you? What do you want from Inko? Don't even think about trying anything!" Izuku stood up when the woman rushed over to him.

"I'm not here to try anything ma'am. My name is Izuku, I'm only staying the night before I have to head back to Musutafu." Mitsuki glared.

"Izuku what? What's your last name?" Izuku panicked at this. He hadn't had a last name for this time period since he never went anywhere.

"My last name is Nezu. I was in America for awhile and forgot that we have to use both names here." Mitsuki backed away and sat down across from him. The rest followed soon.

"So how old are you Izuku?"

"I'm....23 ma'am." Izuku could only smile the entire time since they arrived. He was excited to meet these people since he didn't talk to very many and I they were friends with Inko, they were surely good people.

The boy who was with them only looked like he was 13. He kept his head held up and just stared at Izuku. It was weird for Izuku to finally make eye contact, but when he did the boy flinched back slightly. Izuku sent him a questioning look.

"Is there something wrong?" The boy glared.

"Why are you with auntie Inko?"

Izuku looked at him questioningly.

"I thought Mrs. Midoriya already told you?" Izuku gave a nervous smile to the child.

Inko broke in before they could continue.

"So! Izuku, this is Mitsuki, her husband Masaru, and their son Katsuki Bakugo!" Her smile seemed nervous as she looked between the two blondes staring at Izuku with suspicion and Izuku standing there with his nervous smile.

Mitsuki decided to be the first to speak while sticking out her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Izuku. I hope my family and you will get along just fine. Ya?" Izuku reached to shake the hand of the forceful woman and was impressed with the woman's grip.

"Ya! I hope we'll be great friends." Izuku's smile lost its nervousness and became reassuring.


Time skip brought to you by our gay Todoroni


The family was chaotic but lovely. Izuku could only smile as he saw Inko and the small family interact. Seeing them with each other made him realize how much he missed his little Nezu. So he made a call while the family was at the dining room table and him still on the couch.

*Ring Ring Ring* It went on for a small while until there was a voice heard.

"Hello! How was visiting? Did you hurt them?" The excited voice rang through the phone making Izuku sad that he was so far from Nezu.

"Hello child. I'll be back by tomorrow evening. I may have a guest or two that I will be showing around."


"You'll meet them tomorrow. Be patient. I think you'll like one of them, I certainly do." In the background he could hear Inko telling the Bakugos goodbye.

"I have to go now child....I love you." With that Izuku hung up and prepared himself for the over suspicious child behind him.

"You're only 23, who're you calling child? Unless you're older than what you said you were. You told this child you loved them, are they your kid or are they your hearts holder?" The rapid fire questions threw Izuku off.

"Hearts holder? How romantic of you. I wasn't expecting it. This child is my child it's our little joke to call each other adult and child. I adopted him when I was 19 and he was 8." Katsukis glare only hardened.

"Why did he ask if you hurt the person you went to visit? Who were you visiting that would've caused you to hurt them? Why did you let a 12 year old child know you were going to 'visit' someone?"

"He enjoys watching and observing fights to get better, just like you. He asked me to start training him and wanted to know what I did so he could learn it, he's always like that. I would hurt the person I went to visit because they're a manipulative bastard who quite frankly deserved it."

"Why are you training children if you're not qualified unless your a hero. Are you a hero?" Katsukis face lit up only a little at the possibility of meeting a hero.

"I am."

Katsuki sped off to the living room where his parents were conversing with Inko.

"Hag! Guess what?! He's a hero! An actual hero!"

"Is that so? Well what are you ranked?"

I'm an underground hero, we don't have public rankings, but I am #2." Masuru decided to speak up after him.

"Thats exciting and I congratulate you but we really must be going." Masurus weak smile was left on his face as he was leading his family to the door.

"If you want Katsuki, I can give you a tour of UA and answer any of the questions you have tomorrow if you get here early. I do work there"


I tried really hard and I'm sorry it took so long I was struggling with the convo between the families and what would happen during this little meeting so I was reading tons of stories to get ideas but couldn't find any so I just went with it. Goodbye little demons, have a blessed fluffing night. Love you.

-your stressed author

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