Classes and old friends

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I had stayed in Aizawas class for a week. A few people had done something and got expelled. I didnt see anything wrong with it, they were perfectly valid reasons.

I'm currently in Yamada's classroom watching, it's been several days already and none of them have noticed me at all. Nemuri played close attention and would help whenever asked. Some seemed to get distracted by her during class, mostly the males.

Everyone was doing just fine. Vlad Kings class was stranger then the others. They seemed to have some sort of beef with 1a and were extremely cocky. None of them noticed me either.

It's time I reported all that I've learned to Nezu.

He didnt seem to notice me walk in, but he looked up when I got close to his desk.

"Ah, izuku! How is everyone doing?" Hes been a lot happier after i took him in.

"Everything is just fine." I smiled gently,"Nemuri has been paying as much attention as possible and the people aizawa expelled had valid reasons. Vlad's class is a little strange but they'll be good heroes."

"That's wonderful! Would you like some tea and a game of chess?"

"That would be lovely."

We had been playing for awhile now, for some reason I wanted to go visit an old friend.


"Yes?" He perked up and smiled cheerily.

"I wanted to inform you I was going to visit Gran Torino. Would you like to come? I'm sure Toshinori will be close by."

He seemed to just sit and think for a little while.

"It sounds lovely. I will get someone to look after the school for the rest of today and we can be on our way."

He leaned up to a mic and pressed a button.

"Can Shota Aizawa please come to my office."

It was still early in the morning, I could practically here Aizawas groan from here. I let a chuckle slip and took a sip of my tea. We continued with our game, waiting for him to arrive.

*knock knock* (dear god help me)

"Come in!" Nezu didnt look up from the board, I was currently in the lead and he needed to do something to stop me.

"You needed me?" He was hesitant with saying anything when he stepped in the room. He now stood beside me, waiting.

"Me and Izuku will be going out of the city today. I need you to look after the school. As for your class, they will be joining 1b in everything. After you inform Vlad and your class you may come back here and watch the cameras. We should already be gone by then." Nezu only looked up for a brief second, moving a piece and taking one of my own.

"Sir, I'm not sure if-"

"Aizawa." Nezu looked back up and stared at him with a sickening sweet smile. Aizawa was quick to nod and leave.

I stared after him as he left. When I turned back around, I moved my queen and took his king.


On our way out of the school, people would greet Nezu and have small conversations as we walked, then would run off.

When we arrived at his house we knocked a few times without answer before opening the door and finding him in a puddle of ketchup.

"Is this a normal occurrence?" Me and Nezu stared at each then walked around him and sat on the couch. He popped up and ran over.

"I guess you've never been the creature to get scared or panic, huh?" He was standing in front of us now.

"Not since the wars." Nezu decided to chime up.

"The wars?" He looked confused. His head tilted slightly with one brow raised.

"Ah, its nothing." Nezu gave his usual smile that seemed to scare anyone who sees.

"Wait! I remember you had said that you have a certain person by you most of the time. Is the guy still alive?"

I've never had someone care so deeply besides Nezu. It doesn't sound like it, but he has a way with words that only few understand.

Nezu only blinked at him.

" im right here. It is lovely to see you again." You could see the gears in his head shifting.


"AHHH! You need to stop doing that! Its like you just teleport out of nowhere!"

(Help. I'm fine sorta but help)

We continued to talk for a while, but eventually we had to go home, because believe it or not. Our precious torino has to sleep and so does Nezu.

(Imma be honest with ya, I'm tired as shit. I don't give a funkyfuck what you think about my stories. Like thanks for all of you who support me and add my story to your read later or voting for me. I just have to put it out there before someone decides they only come on this app to mess with people. I love you all, have a good day/night whatever. Its 2 in the fucking morning I sleep unlike some people. I still have to shower. ✌

(726 words)

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