Untitled Part 9

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"You'll meet them tomorrow. Be patient. I think you'll like one of them, I certainly do." In the background he could hear Inko telling the Bakugos goodbye.

"I have to go now child....I love you." With that Izuku hung up and prepared himself for the over suspicious child behind him.

"You're only 23, who're you calling child? Unless you're older than what you said you were. You told this child you loved them, are they your kid or are they your hearts holder?" The rapid fire questions threw Izuku off.

"Hearts holder? How romantic of you. I wasn't expecting it. This child is my child it's our little joke to call each other adult and child. I adopted him when I was 19 and he was 8." Katsukis glare only hardened.

"Why did he ask if you hurt the person you went to visit? Who were you visiting that would've caused you to hurt them? Why did you let a 12 year old child know you were going to 'visit' someone?"

"He enjoys watching and observing fights to get better, just like you. He asked me to start training him and wanted to know what I did so he could learn it, he's always like that. I would hurt the person I went to visit because they're a manipulative bastard who quite frankly deserved it."

"Why are you training children if you're not qualified unless your a hero. Are you a hero?" Katsukis face lit up only a little at the possibility of meeting a hero.

"I am."

Katsuki sped off to the living room where his parents were conversing with Inko.

"Hag! Guess what?! He's a hero! An actual hero!"

"Is that so? Well what are you ranked?"

I'm an underground hero, we don't have public rankings, but I am #2." Masuru decided to speak up after him.

"Thats exciting and I congratulate you but we really must be going." Masurus weak smile was left on his face as he was leading his family to the door.

"If you want Katsuki, I can give you a tour of UA and answer any of the questions you have tomorrow if you get here early. I do work there"



Izuku's pov~

Inko had gone to sleep rather quickly after the Bakugos left last night and she had given me a room. I figured that the best way I could thank her was to make her breakfast.

I was almost done cooking when the knocking started without stop. So being the wonderful person I am, I opened the door seeing the tiny Bakugo all alone, staring up at me.

"Where's aunty Inko?"

"I believe she's still in her room either sleeping or getting ready. Would you like some breakfast right now or after you see if she's awake?" I say as I let him wander into the house.

He looks back at me curious.

"You cooked? Is it any good?"

"Some say its the best they've ever had." I smile.

"Mhm. I'll try it." He turned and disappeared down the hall.

I wonder back to the kitchen left with my wondering thoughts. Staring at the red jam being made in the pot reminds me of the many wars I've been in. The great people I've killed and seen killed. The seemingly endless battles and fear in young hearts that should've never been introduced to such horrors. One young man stuck out to me. He had the bluist eyes I had ever seen, so filled with life. He believed in God and carried his Bible with him wherever he went. I helped him carry our comrads off the battle field under the cover of bombs going off. He would pray to get one more.

(If you get this, I love u)

"Y..y....ey....hEY.....HEY!" I blinked, coming back to my senses and glanced over.

"Finally. You were zoned out while stirring the pot. It's obviously done and if you sit there any longer it'll be too gooey." I simply stared.

"Perhaps you're right." I reached down and turned off the stove with a smile choosing to forget about the blue eyed boy for now. It's time for today to get started not the past.


"This place is fucking awesome." Barely a whisper, but I could still hear it all the same. It made me grin.

"Welcome to UA where you either come to be one of the best or be the best. We'll be going to the principals office first." I lengthened my stride, excited to see the little demon as people like to call him.

"I won't be able to show you around as I was hoping, but you can sit in a class that I'm supervising just to get a feel. I might take you to heroics training to watch too." He looked up at me.

"Really? Can I try participating?" The Cheshire grin on his face told me my answer.


Before I knew it we were at the door I was hoping to see. Barging in without a care in the world brought a surprised noise from bakugou. Nezu looked at me quickly.

"Good to finally see you back again! Was your little visit fun? What about your adventure?"

"All is well and should be sorted out soon enough. This is Katsuki Bakugou. He will be joining me while observe some classes today. Bakugou, this is Nezu, the principal of UA high and the one I call child." The boys demeanor seemed to change from excited to laid back except he was stiff. He tried to come off as relaxed without a care in the world.

"Wonderful to meet you Mr. Bakugou! I hope that you find your visit today amazing! You can use this as an opportunity to analyze the next generations super heroes! Maybe even make friends!"

"Nice to meet you too I guess. I don't know about making friends but I certainly will be watching them so I can become better!" He smirked, proud of himself.

"Excellent! I love your attitude! It will be fun to fix!" Oh dear.

"What?" Me and bakugou both asked.

"Child...you can't say things like that. Please." I could barely keep the laugh out of my voice.

Imma be real honest, I don't know when the last time I worked on this was so I fuckin give up. Who wants it? I'll try to find someone consistent or atleast more so than me and will give it the spark yall need.

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