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Hello Everyone.

Thanks for picking my book.

All the characters appearing in this book are fictional and a product of my (very crazy) imagination. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental because, let's face it, I don't know everyone on the planet and there's a huge chance, there might be people out there like the characters in my book.

Well actually, all characters except Hershey, the labrador retriever. He is very much real and I can assure you he doesn't mind being a part of this. He loves the attention in fact. XD

I did not intend to hurt or insult any person, their beliefs or religion. I assure you this book has absolutely nothing to do with religion and the behaviors and mannerisms of the characters are completely made up and do not have anything to do with any race/caste/religion. In case someone feels hurt about any of the content, I apologize in advance but I will not change anything in the book for this reason.

It is a mere work of fiction. And I sincerely hope you treat it as such.

Thanks a lot!! Enjoy. keep voting and commenting! :)

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