Chapter 5 - Honora

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He's kinda cute.

Honora shook her head. No, no, no, he's not. 

Admit it! He is!

No, he isn't. Nuffink is just a friend. 

Since the time Nuffink had rescued Honora, she couldn't stop arguing with herself.  

Nuffink is amazing.

No he isn't!

She turned her head in the direction of the Haddocks' boat. She caught Nuffink staring at her but he didn't react. Honora smiled at him and he jumped, as if just realising what he was doing. He looked away. Honora blushed against her will and looked, to see her mother looking at her with a raised eyebrow. 

Honora cleared her throat.  "What?"

"Do you like him?"



"Hahaha yeah", Honora laughed nervously. "He's a very good friend".

"You know what I mean".

Honora could feel her face turn fifty shades deeper. "N-not that way!"

Heather was about to say more, but Hiccup instructed them to be ready as they were about to reach the island of the Hidden World. 

Honora looked ahead and, sure enough, she could see the island. It was dark, as the sun had set but it shone in various colors- there were twinkling lights in blue, red, gold, orange, pink, green and violet. 

"Wow", Honora marvelled. "It's so beautiful".

Suddenly, she heard something. It sounded like a high-pitched whistle, coming their way. The next thing she knew, something sharp was wrapped around her waist. Honora screamed in shock and when she felt for what was holding her. It felt scaly and... Steely? Whatever it was shone silver under the moonlight. She looked up to look at her capturer and gasped when she realized what it was.

A Razorwhip.

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