Chapter 1

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Gabriel's POV

*Picture: Marlon Teixeira as Prince Gabriel*

"It's nice to have you back, your highness. Would you like me to run you a bath? You've had a long trip back home" One of my maids asked.

"No, thank you. Where is my Mum and Dad?" I asked taking off my jacket.

"Oh...There in the library if I'm not mistaken, your highness" she said unpacking my clothes.

I walked towards my family's library, slowly I opened the door. "It's nice to know that nothing's changed here since I've been gone. Am I right?" I laughed. Mum ran straight to me and gave me hug before she smacked the back of my head, tears falling down her cheeks.

Ugh. I hate it when she does this...

"Look I'm-"

"Gabriel William Balthasar Christian Lucas Alexander III. Do you know how worried I was? Don't forget about the Kings daughters that you have to choose one to marry" she said wiping away her tears.

"Nope. But I'm pretty sure your going to tell me? And I'm not marring one of those girls. How's it going dad? Long time no see...huh? You look different. Did you do something with your hair? I like it" I joked.

"Gabriel. This is not the proper way the next king to the throne should act"

And they wondered why I left so many years ago?

"Oh, heavens. My greatest apologizes, your highness. You are absolutely correct, sadly I don't care" I said. Mum gasped, fathers eyes turned dark.

"How dare you. Have you no respect? Learn your place, son or I will teach you" he said in his king voice.

"Where did this behavior come from?" Mum asked, I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's been locked away far to long, Mum"

"We're leaving for a few months, son" Mum said.


He sighed "Anyway. While we are gone, you will be taking care of the castle a side from your granny helping you. You also will be attending Alexander Academy, all of your things are ready"

"Why should I go? Don't we own the school? I don't think it's fair"

I hated the uniform.

"I don't care. You will do as I say therefore you will be going, even if I have to drag you there myself, son!" he yelled. The room got quiet.

"Whatever" I said slamming the door behind me.

I shouldn't have came back here.

Walking into my room I noticed a newspaper on my bed. 'The badboy prince or should we now call him The good boy prince has finally returned home to claim his throne. And now will be attending his family's private college Alexander Academy, watch out ladies at the academy, the prince will be looking for his future bride'

I sighed and ripped the newspaper in pieces. They won't leave me alone, another reason I left and hid my identity.

"I knew that would upset you" a voice said from behind me.

"It's nice to see you too, granny" I turned around giving my grandma a hug. "Look at my boy. All grown up. You got muscular and taller, your voice got deeper, you're almost a grown man" she said pinching my cheeks till they turned red.

"Granny, I know it was you who told the tabloids that I was looking for a wife, when I'm not. I thought we were going to wait till I graduated college?" I said taking a seat on my bed.

"Listen up and listen good. I'm not getting any younger, and before I depart from this earth I, at least want to see my little bunny find a wife, who he loves. And you will or I will find her myself" she said.

"That's rubbish" I muttered, she smacked me behind my head.

"Trust me. Everything will go brilliantly" she kissed my head and left out my room.

Great. Now all those on the pull punter girls will be all over me. I wish I could talk to Danny, she'd always know what to do when I'm in a pickle.

I still can feel the sting where she slapped me on my face, I broke her in pieces. But sooner or later I know she'll forgive me, she just needs time, which I have a lot of.

Maybe it's me who need time to think things over as well, it's not everyday a run away Prince come back home if you call an empty lifeless castle a home in that matter.

As the tabloids call me 'The badboy Prince' I think it's time to live up to my image.

I woke up the next morning and did my morning dues, Mum and dad left last night.

We have not 1 but 30 chefs in our kitchen, 30 maids and 30 butlers. It gets frustrating when you don't remember each maid or butlers name, that's why Mum made them were name tags.

I always skip breakfast, I hated eating alone on the long dining table.

Granny wakes up 4hrs early then me to start her day of work.

Grabbing my backpack I headed outside to my limo, reporters stood behind the gate flashing there cameras, trying to get a word out of me. I flicked them off and sat in the car.

"That should keep them steady for a few hours. Dad is going to have a barn when he sees the picture on the front page, again" I said to myself.

I guess my parents thought it would be a good idea if I brought my own personal bodyguard to the academy to keep me safe from danger. The only serious danger I will be getting into is the crowd of girls running after me everyday to graduation.

My bodyguard Stanley opened the door, the crowd of girls stood waiting at the front gate of the school with there camera phones, trying to get my attention by showing there cleavage, putting on clown makeup.

Oh, the horror.

Stanley opened the car door and escorted me inside.

Quickly I walked inside not watching my surroundings, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ouch. Hey, buddy. Watch where you're walking" she said.

I looked down and offered my hand, she rejected.

Grabbing her books off the floor, she stood up and dust herself off.

"My apologies, I wasn't watch-"

"Yea. Duh. Next time, instead of looking into space, you should watch were your walking" she sneered.

Those big mesmerizing ocean blue eyes, dark brown hair, pale soft smooth skin.

She's ...beautiful.

I guess, I was too busy admiring her beauty, I didn't notice her fast departure.

One thing was on my mind; I want her.

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