Chapter 16

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Gabriel's POV

I don't know why but there's just something about watching Angela sleep, she's curled up on my chest.

I never thought that Angela, a woman not afraid of showing who she is or what she thinks to anyone, independent, fearful would be afraid of just thunder. It made my heart break seeing her curled up in that corner in the hallway, covering her ears, crying her eyes out. She looked so terrified and lonely, it made me not want to leave her side ever again.

She opened her eyes slowly, looking up she noticed me and jolted up and fell off the bed.

Quickly I jumped out of bed and help her up. "Are you alright?" I asked.

She rubbed her head and nodded "I'm sorry for making you worry last night" she said getting up.

"It's fine, princess. Go get ready, we have to go"

"Where are we going? What about school?"

"It's Friday. Remember? There's no school today. There's a carnival all day, I already have your clothes ready"

"Oh. Yea, I guess I forgot. Thank you" she laughed awkwardly.

She left the room to get ready and I got ready in mine. I quickly took a shower and put on my clothes for

She doesn't know this but I'm taking her on a date, to the school carnival right now. What should I wear? Casual, Bad Boy or Fancy?

How about? Casual Badboy?


I ran into my closet and got dressed. Gray sweater, black leather jacket, jeans and my black and white converse and I'm finished, leaving my hair in a curly messy kind of 'I just woke up' look. Walking out the door I noticed Angela walking out of hers as well.

"I never thought I'd see the day of you. Angela Rossi the famous heiress. Go out and wear casual clothing" I joked.

She rolled her eyes.

"Anyway. How'd you know my clothing size? Especially my shoe size?"

"It wasn't me. Granny picked it out for you before she left for her meeting" I smiled. I'm glad she didn't pick something to uncomfortable for our secret date today. Just something normal, jean jacket, white spaghetti strap shirt, black skinny jeans that fits just perfectly for her cute butt, salmon flats and a black purse, she put her hair in a messy ponytail.

We put on our sunglasses because of of those annoying paparazzi's outside and walked to the car. "Aren't we suppose to be helping with the carnival?" She asked.

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'.

"And why is that?"

"Because we're...on a date" I winked at her.

Suddenly she started coughing and stared at me. "I-I never agreed to be your date?!" She said.

I laughed.

"Yes, you did, princess" I singed.

"I think I'd remember if you asked me out on a date"

"Last night. When you slept on my bed like a little baby. I asked you and you said yes" I smiled.

"I...I did no such thing. You're lying, I-I need proof" she demanded folding her arms.

I shrug my shoulders and showed her the video of me asking her and her acceptance. "That-That can't be me?! You can't force-" I cut her off.

"I'm not forcing you if you agreed to it"

"This...This is absolutely absurd. F-Fine. I guess, since I have no say in it since I did stupidly agreed to it. I am a woman of my word even though I don't really remember agreeing to it but it still counts" she sighed rubbing her temple.

"I'm glad your seeing it my way, princess. Don't worry, I'll make this the best first date"

"First? Don't you mean last? Who said there'll be another date?" She scoffed.

"Trust me, when our night is over, you'll be giving me another date" I replied.

"Arrogant, much?" She muttered.

"Only when I'm with you, princess. Only with you" I smirked.

"I have a question for you" she said.


"Why don't I see any paparazzi's at school?"

"Well, my ancestors built that school by hand. And we have guards and security cameras everywhere, there not allowed to. So, your safe on school ground"

"Oh. So, Marcus is your only brother or do you have other siblings?" she said.

I sighed, pushing away the sad memory in my mind.

"Well, we did. His name was Sebastian but he died in a car crash when I was four and Marcus was three"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a sad past, Gabriel" she said sadly.

"It's fine, princess. I've learned to let it go, I know he's in a better place now, so there's no need. And do you have a sibling?"

I already know the answer that question.

"Yea, a twin. A twin brother actually. He's the complete opposite of me, I'm the goody goody while he's the bad boy type, I guess" she smiled.

I already know she has a brother, and I'm glad she's the opposite of that jackass. I know soon enough he's going to come down here and kick my ass. I might have told him a white lie that I'm dating his sister and man was he really pissed when I told him, he had that big vain in front of his forehead, if it wasn't for Danny holding him back or him getting shot, I'd be dead. I'm happy for those two love birds, I'm even more happy that Danny isn't mad at me anymore and finally forgave me.

We made it to the school carnival, there are so many different booths, I wonder which we should do first?

Looking around there were no sight of Marcus anywhere, that's not surprising. We left to grab our tickets.

"So, where do you want to start off first?" I asked her.

She shrugged her shoulders "I don't know. It's been quite some time since I've been to a carnival. I guess we can start with...How about water gun targets, basketball hoops, fishing booth and ring toss?" She said. I nodded my head as we walked to one of the booths.

"Sound like a plan, princess.
Don't cry when I beat you, alright?"

She stopped walking and crossed her arms "What did you just say?" she asked.

So, she is the competitive type, this day just got a little more interesting.

"I said don't cry when I beat you" I smirked.

"That sounds like a challenge, your highness" she narrow her eyes at me, poking me on the chest with her index finger.

"That's if you're up for a little challenge, princess. How about a bet?" I winked, walking away.

"Fine. If I win you have to be my slave for a week" she said putting her hands on her hips, I stopped in my tracks and turned to face her.

Man, did she look sexy in that pose.

"And if I win-" I said walking up to her, I stopped right in front of her face. Our eyes locked on one another, I leaned to her ear, I could smell her sweet scent "-I get three kisses, whenever I want" I said backing away smirking.

"You're on" she smiled, blushing red.

You don't know what you got yourself into, princess.

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