Chapter 11

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Angela's POV

"Hello, Figlio?" I said, holding my phone to my ear.

"Yes, My Flore?"

"I closed the deal, yesterday. See, I told you I could handle it" I said smiling.

"I see. I'm very proud of you, My Flore, really. But don't get your hopes up, that's only the beginning, there's still much to learn about handling a huge company then knowing only just how to close deals" he spoke.

"Yes, I know Figlio. I'll call you back later, I have to get to class now, tell mother I said hello" I said.

"She said hello back. I let you know when your next opportunity comes up. Have you spoken to your brother?" he asked.

Wow. I totally forgot about Angelo. He's probably getting into more trouble up in Canada, trouble always follow when he's around, good thing his girlfriend Daniella is the opposite of him nice, funny and sweet, I'm glad he found someone to tame him and change his badboy ways. I wish them both the best of luck mostly my brother, I could see he's already fallen deeply in love with Daniella and she with him.

"No, I haven't, not after the dinner party. That reminds me. We have a huge situation, Figlio"

I have to tell him about Dereks mysterious arrival.

"What is it?"

I'm not sure he'll take this news lightly, especially my mother.

"It's Derek. He's here, in London and the worst part is. He's my new theater teacher" I said waiting for him to yell but he did nothing, there was only silence.

"I'll send some bodyguards, I will not have my only daughter be in the same place or room with a devious and cold hearted man like Derek. Angelo told me he was at his school teaching over there but now he's at your school. This doesn't seem right? Something isn't right, please my Flore keep your eyes open"

"I will. Theres no need for bodyguards, honestly Figlio-"

I heard some ruffling in the background. "Hello? Figlio?" I said.

"Sweetie, do you want me to come over there because I will. I promise I will kick that dipshíts ass 10 times worst then your brother-" Mother said, I heard more ruffling.

"Cuore mio, please. Put that gun away, it's not safe to have it in the house. What?! Why?! It's off safety?!" he yelled then the line went dead.

My parents are insane, and by that I mean my mother in general.

I walked into Gym class. Sports wasn't a problem but the uniform is, it's too tight and short, it's like we might as well not dress in clothes at all.

Quickly I changed into my Gym uniform, another reason I hated this class is because of the girls, I guess it's mainly because of the coach and the boys always being shirtless, lets just say not all the teachers here are old and wrinkly.

Putting my hair into a ponytail, I looked around and noticed Amy standing by herself, I walked up to her, she pushed up her glasses and gave me a hug.

"Hey, sorry about the masquerade ball" I said. "It's fine, we heard what happened, there's no need to apologize, Angela" she smiled.

I noticed Amy kept glancing at the Michael Cadet the volleyball captain, and it seems he's doing the same.

We have a match. Time to work my magic.

"Hey, don't you find Michael hot?" I asked snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Yea-...I-I mean, sure. Don't all the girls?"

"So, do you think I should ask him out?" I smiled, her face turned white.

"No!" she yelled, everyone turned to us then continued to do what they were doing.

"Why? Ok, if you ask him out and he says yes then you have him. Deal?"

"Deal" she said fast, I watched in amusement as she went to ask him out.

"You're good" a voice said behind me, I turned to see Marcus smirking at me, while scanning my body in this tight outfit.

"What do you mean?" I asked, shifting uncomfortably in his glaze.

"What you did to your friend there. You tricked her into asking Michael out" he chuckled.

"Oh. That. Well, sometimes you need a little push to get what you want" I said.

"True words of wisdom, Cupcake"

"Thanks, it's a blessing" I watched silently as Amy asked Michael out, her face went soft into a huge smile on her face.

I'm guessing he said yes.

Amy ran back to me with a big smile on her face "Ha. See,I won. He said yes" she giggled.

I put on a fake sad face and sighed "Well, I guess your right, you won the deal, after all. Congrats" I said. She gave me a hug and ran back to Michael. Gym was over and it's time for lunch, finally. While walking to lunch, I over heard Gabriel talking on the phone, for some reason he had it on speaker.

"Hello?" He said

"I need your help, it's an emergency" a male voice said.

"Look who calls, what want to rub it in my face again?" Gabriel said.

"I would but It's Daniella. She's been kidnapped and I need your help finding her" the other guy said.

Daniella? As in my brothers girlfriend? There's no way. It could be another girl.

"I'm on my way now" Gabriel said hanging up the phone. I watched as he ran fast out the school doors.

Where is he going?

I followed him outside. "Gabriel..!" I yelled walking behind him and I know he heard me, he kept walking towards his motorcycle. He look at me, turned his head, put his helmet on "I'm sorry, Princess" he said speeding off.

"Wait!" I yelled but it was to late, he was already gone.

I'm sorry? Sorry for what? Where in the world is he going? Wait...Princess? Really? Is it weird that I kind of like the nickname?

"Don't worry about, big brother. He knows how to handle himself" Marcus said from behind me.

I turned to face him "Do you know we're he's going? There's this girl he was talking about by the name, Daniella? I feel like I know who she is but there's millions of Daniella's out there" I said, walking with Marcus back to the cafeteria.

"Are you sure you heard the name Daniella?" he asked.

"Uh. Yea. I'm pretty sure, I heard him say her name loud and clear before he stormed out and drove off to god knows where. Why?" I sighed.

Wait? Why do I care who she is anyways? He's not my boyfriend. Damn it, why do I feel and sound like a jealous girlfriend? When I'm not his girlfriend or barely even a friend at that either. Right?

"Because, Daniella.... How should I put this? Well...that's his fiancée" he said.

Wait. Wait. Wait. Back up. Fiancée?! He's engaged?! I guess since he's a prince and all, I had to see that coming sooner or later. But there's still this little pain in my chest. Ugh. I hate this feeling. You know what? Why the fùck should I care? Honestly. It's really not my business.

I put a smile on my face and looped my arm around Marcus "How about we go out for drinks? On me?" I smiled.

Marcus had a smirk on his face "How about on me? Can't possible say no to that, now can you? Come on. Welcome to Marcus care free fun time and this is just the beginning, Cupcake" he said opening the door for me.

It's time to let loose for once in a while.

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