Chapter 23

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Angela's POV

"W-Where am I?" I said looking around.

I tried to get up, there's something tight around my wrist. Someone handcuffed me against the bed stand, the last thing I remember is sitting in the car with Marcus...Marcus? That two timing slimy snake.

I'm so going to kick his ass when I get out of this.

"I see you've awoke, cupcake" a voice said walking in.

The sound of footsteps got closer "I know my apology won't mean shít to you right now but try to understand-" he said.

I cut him off "Fúck you, you slimy backstabber" I hissed.

He winced and looked the other direction, I could tell my outburst hurt him but so did him backstabbing me in the back too.

"I know you're really mad. Please try to understand-"

"Before you finish that sentence, answer me this. Why?... Why did you do it?" I asked.

He sighed.

"Derek threatened to kill my family... Don't worry, Gabriel's on his way"

"I'm still mad at you. Wait, huh? How do you know he's coming?"

"I know that when I told you not to tell anyone including Gabriel, you wouldn't but that doesn't mean you won't leave a message" he chuckled.

The door opened, Derek walked inside with his eyes on me.

"Angela. You're awake, perfect. I thought he used too much to knock you out" he smiled.

I kept calm, bitting my tongue before I say something to get me more into trouble.

"Derek. How are you? You look... How can I put this nicely- like dog shít" I smiled sweetly.

"Still the same Angela, I love so much."

"What do you want?"

"You" he said pointing at me.

"Me? Why me? I am no use for you anymore"

"I'm in love with you"

"You're insane. Now, cut the crap, Derek. State your business"

"Always getting down to business. I want you to marry me"

I stared at him, then burst out laughing.

"I was right. You are insane. What makes you think that I'll marry you? I'd rather get hit by a truck, while on fire, with broken glass in my face then marry a low life like yourself" I said laughing, Marcus chuckled behind him.

"You will marry me" he smirked.

He has something up his sleeve but I won't let him get to me. Being married to Derek is like being married to a-a...demon.

"And enlighten me why I'd do such an absurd thing?"

Suddenly Derek pulled out a gun and pointed it to Marcus head, fear rushed through my body.

This is what he had up his sleeve? To force me to marry him or kill Marcus? This man is despicable.

"I thought we had a deal?!" Marcus yelled.

Derek laughed, he threw Marcus against the wall with force and pointed the gun to his head.

What should I do? What can I do?

"I don't make deals with little runts like you. And guess what? ... I'm going to kill you just like I did your pal Bernard but first I'll torture you till you beg for mercy then I'll make you watch as I have someone special torture Angela"

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