Chapter 4

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Angela's POV

I walked into my first period late; theater.

Slowly I knocked on the door "Come in, come in" a male voice said. I walked in, everyone's eyes were on me as I walked toward the teacher.

"Hello, I'm Mr.Joseph, and who might you be? Are you in this class, ms-?" He asked.

He looked kind of young to be a teacher just like the headmistress, his brown hair, brown eyes, tall, muscular, him and headmistress would be perfect together.

"Yes, sir I am. My name is Angela. Angela Rossi, sir"

"So, you're the new girl? The talk of the school. I heard amazing things about you, welcome to my class Ms.Rossi" he smiled at me.

"Thank you. Where shall I sit?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Sit next to Mr. Alexander over there" he pointed.

I turned around and noticed the arrogant prince smirking at me, patting the seat next to him.

All the girls stared at me with envy and jealousy. I sat down "Alright, ladies and gents, shall we begin?" The teacher Mr.Joseph spoke.

Gabriel turned to me "Hey, roomy" he smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes "Don't call me that, my name is Angela. What do you want?" I asked while taking notes.

"Nah, roomy is better till I find a perfect nickname for you. I just want to get to know the person I'll be sharing a room with till graduation" he grinned at me, showing his dimples.

"There's nothing to know about me, that you already know"

"There's always something to know about someone. Like for instance, I like to eat pie while watching cartoons. Now, your turn"

"No, thank you. I have an idea how about we learn nothing about each other and leave it like that" I replied.

"How about, no. You can be a serial killer for all I know"

"Then you better sleep with both your eyes open for now on, you don't know when you'll see another day" I said.

"Thank you, Mr.Alexander and Ms.Rossi" Mr.Joseph spoke.

We both turned and stared at him confused, Gabriel spoke first "What did we do?" he asked.

"You both just volunteered to play the main characters in the Romeo and Juliet play we will be having in four months"

"W-What?! No. No. No, thank you. Ask one of his groupies, I'm sure one of these girls would love to take my place" I said.

"Nope. I made up my mind. Everyone give these two a round of applause, are Romeo and Juliet" he started clapping, like half of the classroom.

"I hate you" I muttered to Gabriel.

He laughed "You won't for so long. Get those beautiful lips ready, roomy" he said.

"I hate you" I muttered to myself.

Thank goodness, class was finally over. Sadly, I have to see his face when I get to our room, first period and that stupid play.

"Hey, what's wrong? You haven't talked since...well, you haven't talked at all" Amy said.

"It's...nothing, really. I'm fine, Amy, thank you" I smiled weakly, picking at my food in front of me.

"Well, let me help you with that" Cole said grabbing my hamburger and stuffing it in his mouth, Amy sent him a glare.

"What? She wasn't going to eat it, it's terrible to waste food, especially something this delicious" he said between chews.

"There's something wrong and as your friend I won't let it slide, now tell me what's wrong" Amy glared at me.

"Gabriel got me in trouble, and now we both are volunteered to play in the play" I sighed.

"What play? What are your characters?" Lily asked.

"Romeo and Juliet"

"And your characters?" Jasper asked, suddenly interested.

"...Uh. You're going to laugh at me"

"No. No, we're not" Amy smiled sweetly at me.

"R-Romeo and...J-Juliet"

All of them were quiet for a few minutes, Cole bursted out laughing along with Jasper.

Amy kicked Cole's leg under the table and Lily did the same to Jasper.

"Ouch!" they both said at the same time.

"W-Wait. You do know that there's know? A...kissing scene? More then one" Lily said.

"Oh, crap. I totally forgot about that. And I thought just being in the same roo-class as him was the worst thing that happened" I said.

"Nope. Knowing that you're going to have to kiss him more then once would be the worst thing" Cole laughed, this time I kicked him under the table, hard.

"What's all this I'm hearing about kissing?" He spoke.

I hate him.

"About your kiss with Angela, I'm so jealous. I thought it would always be me to kiss those lips of hers" Cole winked at me, again I kicked him on the leg.

"Alright, I'll probably need surgery for that one" he cried.

"Oh, yea? Angela, would you prefer strawberry or watermelon?" He asked.


"My lip balm for our kiss. You know, since we'll be practicing everyday with each other" he smirked at me.

"I rather rip off each fingernail then kiss you, and practice is only on the Monday, Thursday, Saturday" I scoffed.

"Ouch. That hurts" Gabriel said dramatically.

"Guess who got the part as a stars understudy?" Emily said walking towards us.

"Let me guess? The dog? It suits you" I smiled sweetly, everyone at the table laughed.

"Oh, burn" Cole laughed.

"You just got told" Jasper said in between laughing.

"Ha ha. Very funny but nope. Juliet" she smiled evilly at me.

"And I should care, why?" I asked.

"Just know this, new girl. As they say in show biz 'Break a leg' or you could break both" she laughed.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I wasn't listening, can you say it in English this time, I don't speak desperate" I said.

"I will make you regret, transferring here" she said.

"You're still here? I thought you left already?" I said annoyed.

She huffed. Looking at Gabriel who couldn't stop laughing with the others. She pulled him to her lips and kissed him.

I faked gaged. She rolled her eyes at me, winked at Gabriel then left. Gabriel stood there confused.

"Great. I'm going to have nightmares about what I just laid my clean eyes on. Well, I'll catch you guys tomorrow" I said my goodbyes and walked to my room.

I took a shower, put on my spongebob pj pants and a white tank top and went straight to my bed.

I laid there staring at the white ceiling, it's bad enough I have to live with him and see him everyday, now I have to kiss him?! You got to be pulling my leg. Why me? Why?!

Hopefully, this will all end soon.

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