Chapter 17

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Angela's POV

I'm so stupid. Why on earth would I bet with Gabriel?! For three kisses?!...I haven't even gotten my first kiss yet, and it's going to be Gabriel who takes it?! Darn my competitive side. I have to try my hardest not to lose, whatever it takes.

"It's a tie" the guy at the booth said as we played our last game.

Oh, thank heavens.

"I guess that means the bet is off, princess" he said.

"I believe so. What a bummer, I was expecting you to be my slave too" I hid my smile.

"Honestly. It's sad really"

"What is?"

"You tried your hardest back there but you were still unable to beat me" he sighed.

Don't listen to him. Don't listen to him, it's a trap.

"It's true what they say. Women can never beat us Men" he shrugged his shoulders.

That's it.

"Do you want to put money where your mouth is, Gabriel?" I asked, stopping.

"Oh, dear heavens no"

"Scared are we?"

"Not even close, actually. I just didn't want to capture the sight of you crying when I bet you, you know how sensitive you girls are, now don't you?" he winked at me, something snapped inside of me.

What?! How dare he? That sexist jerk! It's on...again.

"You know what?! Fine. The bet is still on. Better yet, how about if you beat me, I get to be your slave and give you your three kisses? Huh?" I crossed my arms.

"Let shake on it" he said. We shook hands and went to the next game

I made sure I picked the most hardest game here. I can't wait to wipe that smirk off his stupid face when I beat him.

Right then I noticed the game everyone couldn't beat at a carnival: Bucket Ball.

A wickedly evil smile crossed my face. "Lets try that one" I said pointing at the game.

"You get one ball and try three times. Only five bucks per person" the guy said.

Angelo gave him 10 bucks "Here you go, beautiful ladies first" the guy winked at me, I smiled grabbing the ball from his hand.

Gabriel whispered something to the guy in his ear, the guys face went pale. I was going to ask what he said but I didn't want to get distracted.

Relax. Breathe. I have to win.

Positioning myself, I softly threw the ball in the bucket.

I missed.

Again, I carefully threw the ball, it bounced out the bucked.

I missed.

"One last try, ma'am" he said nervously, avoiding mine and Gabriel's eyes.

I took a deep breath, positioning myself, I slowly tossed the ball. We watched slowly as it bounces twice, I never heard my heart beat so fast, it felt as if it was going to burst.

It was at the tip of the bucket.... I fell to the ground on my knees.

I missed.

It's Gabriel's turn, if he missed then the bet was over. I watched as he just threw in the ball without a care in the world and he...made it?! How in the world of freaking cheese balls did he make it in one try?! Unbelievable?!

I watched as his eyes turned dark and wicked, I could have sworn I seen a evil dark aura around him.

He helped me up, the booth guy gave us a gigantic stuffed penguin as a prize. "Here. For great effort back there" he smiled.

We walked around ate a few carnival food, went on rides. I admit I did have a lot of fun with Gabriel today even though I lost...I still have to live up to my part of the bet.

"So, you won fare and square. I am your slave for a week and...your three kisses" I muttered the last part. We were walking to our dorm.

"For now on you'll be calling me...Master Gabriel. You'll simply answer me by 'yes, sir' or 'yes, mr. sex on legs' got it?" He laughed.

"You're kidding right? Please, tell me you're kidding?!"

"Ok. I'm not that evil. When I give you an order, you'll do it. Did you have fun on our first date, Angela?" he asked.

"Fine. I did actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" I blushed.

Gabriel smiled at me, showing his damn dimples. He grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers with mine.

We're holding hands... Holy pickles we're holding hands. Like a couple, his hands are so big and warm, my heart is pounding so fast, my hands are getting sweaty. My whole face feels hot. Gulp.

We finally made it to our dorm, he unlocked the door. Man, was I exhausted. Dealing with Elizabeth and Gabriel is to much to handle in just one day.

Gabriel stood by the front door, I left into my room.

Oh, crap. I forgot to tell him thank you, how rude of me.

Quickly I showered and put on clothes, walking out my room, I noticed Gabriel in front of my door.

I jumped when I seen a dark figure outside my door frame, I turned on the light "Oh, Gabriel? You startled me" I said.

He didn't say anything, he just stared at me, his eyes scanning every inch of my body.

"What are you-" I said as I looked down.

Quickly, I covered myself. I was wearing a spaghetti strap t-shirt and my short pajama shorts, but I forgot to put on a bra.

"I-I...just wanted to say, T-Thank you for today. Goodnight" I said leaving, Gabriel grabbed my arm and pulled me to his hard chest.

I gasped.

The aroma is thickening, I put my arms on his chest trying to push him away before his scent affects my mind. He's to strong, he grabs me tightly on my waist. His eyes are darker, I can't help but look into his eyes, his eyes flicked from my lips to my eyes.

"Kiss me" he said in a deep British voice.


"Kiss me. That's an order" he said in a louder voice. I don't know what got into be but I obeyed his order. I flung my lips on his. It felt like fireworks on Fourth of July.

Gabriel, was my first kiss.

The kiss deepened, he bite my bottom lip, next thing I knew his sweet tongue was invading my mouth. Gabriel picked me up, my legs wrapped around his torso, he planted kisses all over my neck, I pulled his hair, Hard. He moaned, grabbing my butt and squeezing it. Things were steaming up, but I couldn't help myself, I never felt like this good before, I kind of like it, a lot.

Suddenly, Gabriel stopped. He looked into my eyes, I could see guilt. He put my down, and rubbed through his hair like he was frustrated, he punched the wall but not to hard to make a big hole in it. I jumped in freighted and stared at him as he paced back and fourth.

He turned to me "I-I'm so sorry, Angela" he said walking out the door, slamming it hard.

He left me there in front of my door, panting and confused.

Damn you, Gabriel.

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