July 31st 2020 - August 7th 2020

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July 31st 2020

Tommy is mad at Ponk because he built a cobblestone cast behind his house

Tommy wants to monetise fighting because people fight so much anyway so he is making an illegal Fight Club and a casino to bet on people

Ponk and Alyssa give Tommy a poppy as a thank you?

Wilbur tells him off for being mean to Alyssa

I must go now, Big Brother told me to leave

Wilbur tells him to stop being sexist, he is mad but tries

Sapnap helps him dig out the area for the fight club and gives him a gapple, Tommy tells him he can join if he keeps this up (but he also built a trap in the sewers)

Yes, Wilbur and I are best friends. I go ‘hello Wilbur’ and he goes ‘shut up, child’

Sapnap points out that the first rule of the fight club is that there is no fight club, Tommy realises he has to lay low with this

Wilbur logs on and Sapnap asks Tommy if he can arrange it to supply him with something (he realised he ruined the bit a couple streams ago so now he’s playing into it)

Ponk gives Sapnap a poppy as well and gets excited when Tommy suggests he’s hitting on him

Tommy asks Sapnap who his favourite woman is, he takes a while but says It’s Hillary Clinton

Wilbur bursts into the call and asks Tommy what he is doing talking to an American, tells him to remember where he came from and what the Queen would think

When Tommy realises Wilbur is against Sapnap, he starts hitting him

Wilbur implements another rule: if they’re European and they stand for what we believe in, we hold no bounds on gender, sexuality, everything is fine. 

Tommy is like ‘even women!!’ and salutes

He calls Tommy out again for bullying Alyssa and says they don’t bully kids here 

Wilbur gets startled when Tommy enters the van, Tommy throws him a carrot to calm himself 

Tommy is reluctant to call up Tubbo but they need sand

They are looking for a name for their nation

Tommy and Wilbur really want Niki on the server (and in their nation)

Tommy has the epiphany of calling their nation Manburg (or, alternatively, Mantopia)

Wilbur likes Mantopia but wants to make it sound more European

Other ideas are United Manburg or United Mantopia but Wilbur thinks that still sounds too much like the United States

He finally comes up with L’Manburg

No, Lemonburg is a slur 

Tubbo is excited to get bees into L’Manburg

Wilbur wants Tommy as his right hand man and wants to be called General

But lets Tommy continue to call him Big Fella if he thinks It’s funny 

Wilbur wants to keep the unsullied ground (It’s one block of farmland near the wall) 

Tommy and Tubbo sing Hallelujah to it, Wilbur gets it stuck in his head

Wilbur commissions his fans to make revolutionary skins for everyone (he wants to be a redcoat) 

Wilbur calls Tommy a child again, Tommy is like do you know how hurtful that is?

Wilbur goes hopefully a lot 

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