District Two

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Name : Chara Stella

Gender : Female

Age : 17

District: 2

Appearance : blonde hair that reaches the hip, blue eyes that have green outlining. 5'4 has a small birthmark under her left eye.

Skills : Flexable, great with weaponry, clever, knows what to do

Fear : seeing people kill themselves for me, tight spaces

Token : a small cylinder shaped locket that holds all her loved ones names in it so that if she dies they will be with her.

Last Victory:(137)

It was hard. He kissed me on the cheek as a sign of betrayal. He drew an arrow into his bow. The next thing was unexpected. He turned the bow around and shot himself. That haunts me the most. He lost for me. And now im back in the games...


Name: Rita Longridge

Gender: Female

Age: 15

District: 2

Appearance: Long, naturally wavy ginger hair, tall and slim with bright emerald green eyes and a pale face

Skills: A really fast runner with a good shot and acute hearing

Weapon: Bow and Arrow and sometimes a dagger

Fear: She isn't scared of the dark, she's quite at home in it, but because of her vivid imagination, she is slightly afraid of the shadows

Tribute Token: A small, sapphire disk small enough to fit in her hand that gives off enough light to see about a meter in pitch darkness making the area glow slightly blue

My Victory: In the 135th Hunger Games, I won by forming an alliance with two people and at the end, I claimed a tree when I said I was catching more food and shot my team in the back and the neck.

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