Chapter Fourteen: I Just Want My Sister

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"Thanks, by the way." I mumble into the silence as we build a shelter within a cave tucked behind a wall of foliage. Mia pauses and glances up from making a bed out of leaves.

"For what brother?" She wonders, a small frown on her face.

"Not killing that kid, Alexander, I know you wanted to." Mia pinches her lips together and shrugs, returning her attention to the leaf bed.

"Whatever Nick. You know that decision will come back to bite me in the ass." She grumbles, tossing the bed on the floor and flopping down on top of it.

"Still." I say, quieter now. She nods and sighs heavily, curling her arms around her knees and pulling her legs flush against her chest.

"Can you toss me some bird?" She asks, gesturing to the pieces of cooked bird beside me. I wrinkle my nose and grab a piece, throwing it at her with distaste.

"You know brother, you are in the Hunger Games. Killing is kind of part of the program." The thought made me sick, I felt bad enough about that first kid. I didn't want to do it again.

"I know sister, doesn't mean I have to like it. Did you ever fill that canteen we found in the backpack?" I question, flopping down on my own bed of leaves. Mia nods and reaches behind her to toss a decently sized, metallic bottle at me.

"Here, drink up. The suns setting and we need to sleep. Where's that blanket from the backpack?" I shrug one shoulder and unscrew the cap, relishing in the taste of fresh, cold water sliding down my parched throat.

A light weight lands on my lap and I glance down, rescrewing the cap and setting it on the ground beside me. Mia drags her bed closer to me and crawls under the blanket, resting her head on my shoulder as I tuck my free arm beneath my head.

"Do you think we can manipulate the Capitol into letting us both go home?" Mia asks me after several minutes of silence. I blink in the darkness, hearing the dim fire crackling in the background, and sigh.

"Honestly? No, I don't think we could. But, maybe it's worth a shot. If we both survive that long."

"We will. Twin power, remember? We're a team." She snaps, a note of desperation in her voice. I sigh and put my arm around her, pulling her tighter against my side.

"Yeah, twin power." I whisper, feeling a piece of my heart break. I blink back the urge to break something and close my eyes, trying to relax. "Get some sleep."


"Nick, wake up." A voice urges, shaking me slightly. I moan and roll over, feeling as if a hammer was pounding against my skull. "Nick, come on." Mia snaps, her sharp nails curling around my skin.

I jerk and catch her wrist tightly in my hand. "No pinching me." I growl, my voice scratchy. Mia smiles and sits up, crossing her legs beneath her.

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