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They both arrived at the Inn they were staying and it wasn't bad but it wasn't the nicest either.

When they got their room key they wondered off to find the number on the door.

"So what do you think you guys are going to do for the week?" Isabel asked

"I'm not sure, maybe some dinners or something, I don't know, I'm not the best at planning things so I probably will just tag along. Veronica is the best at that stuff." 

"Well I hope you have fun"

"Ya know I won't leave you alone, I didn't just come for a reunion."

"What do you mean?" Isabel asked in confusion

"What I mean is, I came to show you this place since you haven't been here before."

"Oh well it's a nice town, it's not nicer then the one we live in though"

"Yeah, your right."

"So what did you guys do here for fun when you were younger?"

"We went to Pops a lot, well most of the time"

"What's Pops?" She asked when we found our room.

"It's a chocolate shop, it sells burgers and milkshakes it was kind of like my home away from home since mine was pretty crappy."

"Sounds cool, can you take me there sometime?" She asked with hope

"Well how about we skip the unpacking and go there right now. I've been craving a milkshake since we got into town and I can introduce you to some people."

"Alright, let's do this"


When the duo made there way into Pops, Jennifer was so happy to see the face of the owner.

"Oh my goodness, Jennifer!?" Pop exclaimed as he looked at the women who walked in.

Jennifer spun around with a bright smile on her face, and laughed as she ran up to hug him. Pop was like a father figure to Jennifer since her father ran out on her and her mom when Jennifer was about 2 years old.

"Oh god I haven't seen you in ages" he said

"Well I would have came more often but everything was busy at the shop" she replied a little guilty.

"Oh that's fine. Who's this?" He asked looking behind the older women to the teenager behind her

"Oh sorry, this is my daughter Isabel, Isabel this is Pop the owner of this lovely place" Jennifer introduced

Pop smiled and they shook hands "nice to meet you" the young girl said "it's nice to meet you too."

The bell of the Chock'Lit Shoppe caused the three to look at the entrance.

"Well well well. I recognize that roster top from anywhere." Jennifer said to the man who is like her brother. He turned around to look at the grown up lady with a bright smile

"Archie Andrews" she laughed

"Jennifer Davis" he replied.

The two pulled each other in a bone crushing hug. Well Archie was the one doing the bone crushing.

"A-Archie your crushing me" Jennifer mumbled.

Archie laughed and kissed the top of her head. Archie the looked at the girl behind her.

"I'm guessing this is Isabel? Your daughter?" Archie said

"Yeah she is my daughter" Jennifer paused for a second "wait how did yo-"

"I follow your Facebook page dummy" he cut in "and by the way who even uses Facebook now a days anyway"

"Uh Brother your an ass" Jennifer laughed

"Well is like have liked to meet you sooner but I was in the army" he said to t he younger girl

"That's alright, I actually haven't meet anyone of moms friends yet"

"Yup your the first" Jennifer patted him on the back

"I'm honoured" he said playfully putting his hand on his heart.

"Well I gotta use the bathroom I'll be back" Jennifer excused herself

"So you were in the army?" Isabel asked the man she known as Archie

"Yeah I was." He said showing his tags over his neck

"My birth dad was too" she said showing  her dads tags that were given to her.

He smiled a nodded his head.

"So why did mom call you brother? Are you her brother?" She asked curious. She didn't really know much about the people in her moms life that lived around here.

"Basically, she basically lived at my house, my dad treated her like his own and we always referred to each other as brother and sister."

By then Jennifer walked out with her hands in her packet, she heard Archie say something about brother and sister.

"Yeah we do, and I was the best damn sister anyone could ask for" she said grinning at the red head

"Yeah but you were also a pain in the ass"

Jennifer sent a playful glare at him which caused Isabel to laugh

"Rude" she mumbled before ordering something for her daughter to try and two milkshakes for her and her brother.

Back Together Again//: Cheryl Blossom x Fem OC (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now