Holy Cow

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Geia eirhnh. Kalos hrthes pisw se auto to athlio fanfiction tou kolou. Enjoy jerw gw kai mhn ton pejeis poly giati tha xalaseis ta paplomata ths yiayias sou
🖕 Fingering the kriar

Stavros pov:

Oh my god what should I do. Should I go at the toilet with him or... I should stay here in Mr BAKAS class of ancient Portogueses. Yeah. I feel safe in here.

" Keds, turn to page 69. "

- GASP -

Is this some kind of joke ?
Is the UNIVERSE sending me some kind of messages?

I can't do this. No, not today. I don't even know if I'm homo. But I guess the gender is such a useless detail when it comes ( cums ) to love.

w-whay? Focus, Stavros boy. What the hell r u talking about. Love? You don't even know him.

But what if I get to know him?

Grivas pov:

This mother fucker left me here all alone masturbating by myself. He will pay for this. Oh yes he will!

Someone from outside the door pov:
( Den jerw pou paei to ' )

What is this sound? Is this man ok? He doesnrn sound ok to me...

" Excuse me sir are you ok? "


" I'm just gonna go..."

Stavros pov I don't know does it really matter?

I can't stop thinking about him. What's wrong with me ? I knew I wasn't normal because I can't masturbate and I'm almost 14 but I don't get why I want this man's dick inside me. Am I not supposed to a homophobe? What's happening to me!

" I know what's happening to you. " Said a mysterious guy with a hat and a καπαρντίνα. 

" Who are you and why did you read my mind ? "

" I am... Kalafatenios. The most mysteriously mysterious man in the whole SCHOOL! and I'm here to solve your problems. "

" Ok? What does this mean? Can you tell me why I want to have sex with a guy who look alike Baki? "

" It's simple. Because Baki sounds like Baka. And Baka means idiot. So that means that you like Grivas who is a silly little Baka..... Because you actually like MR BAKALOGIANIS! "

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO " * slowed and reverb *

" See ? I just solved your problem. "

" Ok but do I actually want to have sex with Grivas? "

" I don't know man I'm not a sex therapist. I'm just a mysterious man who has no face. 50 euros. "

While I was thinking of Kalafatenios's words, Grivas broke the door with his strong arms and be walked into the classroom.

That made me feel that... I love him. I knew it. It was this holy moment of my life that I knew that.... I wanted Grivas to take my virginity.

Twra exoume kai thn toula sto parea. Pathenoume karkino sta matia mazi teleia.

You belong with me [Strivas]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu