Chasing the chaser

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I ran down the hole, climbing back up at the other end. Now I faced Wilburs body that lied peacefully on the ground. I spared the corpse a sorrowful glance, trying not to get too tied up in my feelings. There were bigger things to worry about than picking up a body, cleaning it up and hold a ceremony to bury his body. Although I'm not too sure many people would come. A lot of people are mad at him, for different reasons of course. Although they do have their reasons--not meaning the reasons are correct or invalid--they should still be respectful enough to come to his funeral. All I can hope is people will be when the time comes.

But right now I need to focus on finding the man with black wings. I need to watch both the ground and the sky. Its just like when we were younger...just like the day I left. How did he end up back here? Wait...that means...oh my gosh. Someone knew. Someone knew Wilbur's plan. They knew Wilbur was going to blow everything up. Why wouldn't they say anything to anyone else? They should've told fundy at least! His own son should have known, he probably would have been able to at least delay his father from detonating the tnt until more people could get there to stop him. But no they told someone who lived—assuming he still lived in the village—extremely far away.

Technoblade knew didn't he? How did he know phil though? The village was small and quiet...we all kept to ourselves to keep everything peaceful. Technoblade was a war god. Wait...does that mean...the village...oh dear gods no. It's probably fine and I'm just jumping to conclusions! Right now I have a task I must focus on, I must find the winged man and confront him. Hopefully he won't recognize me...I mean it's been well over 10 years and he changed so much so maybe he won't recognize me at all. What will I even say when I find him? As long as he doesn't recognize me I won't bring up the past but why would he kill his own son? Yeah, he betrayed an entire country that he built but Phil was firstly his father and secondly not part of the country. He had no right to do that.

Speaking of I doing the wrong thing with chasing someone I might not find? Was it wrong to leave the rest of the citizens to fight a wither? Sure, I'm extremely skilled due to running away on my own when I was younger, but there's plenty of good swordsmen and women there. What if they think I'm a traitor because it could look like I ran away with Phil. I have to bring him back in to face the law or at least explain why he was there and why he killed Wilbur. Sure, Wilbur would have been either exiled or arrested for blowing up l'manburg but still not dead.

After a bit of running you saw him. However, surprisingly he wasn't in the air. He was walking on the ground like anyone normally...except for one wing was slightly destroyed. Must've been due to the explosion. The wing was missing a good amount of feathers and drooped to the ground, obviously of no use for at least the next month or so. I'm glad no citizens were closer...that would've made the entire mess even more devastating to the country as a whole.

"So, you think you can appear next to the man who created and blew up the nation, grab his sword and murder him in front of the citizens of said nation and run away?" My voice rang through the forest air. Phil visibly stiffened hearing the voice of another person behind him. I thought he would've been expecting me, I wasn't exactly trying hard to hide my presence. Phil continued walking but at a slightly faster pace than before. "Are you going to explain yourself or am I going to have to force it out of you? It won't be the most pleasant thing for you if I have to force it out." I demanded a reason from the taller man I followed behind. He sighed, irritated. "Why'd you follow me instead of fighting the wither that is destroying your nation you care so much about? Surely if you care about it so much you wouldn't follow someone who cannot fix what already happened but is also not destroying it more." His voice dripped with agitation and venom.

"Maybe I'm more concerned with the fact that the man who is responsible for part of the nation I do care about immensely is dead because of the man in front of me and I want an explanation as to why you killed him when you are not effected by what he did to the home he built. So yeah, give me one good reason as to why you did." I responded, making him stop in his tracks. There was a short period of silence, bird chirping filling my ears. "What would your nation have done if I hadn't killed him? Would you have had a public execution for him? Why are you mad at me, I didn't blow up your nation!" He turned around, defending himself. I stared at him for a second. "You do realize there is more ways to punish someone who blows up your nation than to kill them, right? Or do you just go straight to the most drastic measure you can think of?" I accused him.

I can't believe he could just kill someone that easily and leave. That was someone's father! Fundy needed him! He was still young! Now fundy only has adults that can try to fill in the spot as a parental figure. He's left with that and his friends...was this still the boy I knew all those years ago? The one who would sit with me under a willow tree a bit after noon in a flower field and talk about our futures? Surely it couldn't be. What happened that led him from being such a sweet, funny, competitive boy to a guy who seemed as if he could kill anyone with a tiny bit of remorse.

"What would you have done in that situation? You don't even know the whole situation! Could you hear what he was saying to me?" He stared into my eyes, reading them for an answer. I stayed silent. I hadnt heard everything he had said to Phil. That was enough of an answer for him, "he was begging me to kill him. I tried to tell him no but he kept on begging me. I had no choice. He said you all would want him dead for what he did. He wasn't my son anymore...he was already dead before the sword was even in my hands." Phil explained, taking a few steps closer. "So please, do tell me what you would have done if you were me. If your kid begged you like that." He finished.

I looked down in thought, weighing out every option. "I...I don't know. But there's always another option. There's always a choice." I stared him down dead in the eyes. "Do you even feel anything about what you did, Phil? Do you feel a single thing?" This time I took a step forward. "Of course I do! That was my son! I raised him. I loved him." He responded quicker than I expected. "You left his body! You killed him! You may say you feel something about what you've done, but you don't act like you do!" I shot back at him, I wasn't satisfied. "This is the thing about government, it corrupts people! It corrupted him, I could see it. Hell, anyone could see it if they took off the rose colored glasses they wore and looked at him from an outside view!" He argued back. He had a point...government was corrupt. It hadnt started out least not the idea behind it. But it always ended up with people dead and people wanting more power. I knew this but...I didn't want to accept it.

"Just because you're right about government being corrupt and corrupting him doesn't mean you didn't hurt anyone. You killed someone's father. You killed a kids dad, now he has no one. But I don't think you'd know what that is like, would you Phil?" He opened his mouth only to ask one question. "How do you know my name?" Oh shoot. I need to act normal, not pausing for one second. "Actually fine, don't answer that question or even respond to my statement. I don't want to hear it. Don't ever step back into l'manburg land or you will be met with swords, that isn't a threat it's a promise. Don't forget, you just killed the creator of the nation and the father of someone." With that I walked back to l'manburg.

Words: 1521!
Written: 4-14-22
Edited: //-//-//

A Crows Love (Philza x reader) (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now