An offer i could definitely refuse

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After Tubbo became the president of l'manburg...things seemingly went up. That was until they went south. I knew all about how it got to this point, thanks to Ranboo telling me. Honestly it just surprised Ranboo that Tommy hadn't- 

Actually, let me explain what has even happened before I make this more confusing.

One day, Tommy convinced Ranboo to come with him to play a prank on george. They went to his mushroom house and set some trees on fire, unfortunately it spread to the house and there wasnt much that could be done. They fled the scene before george found out, which is the only reason ranboo wasn't being accused. Surprisingly, to ranboo and me now that i know, tommy didn't mention that ranboo had any part in it. Then again, I would guess it is because he knows how dream can be and he didnt want ranboo to experience it himself. That is only but a guess, I could ask him myself but...i haven't exactly had much time to do so. 

Anyways, continuing on with all of that, Dream had built tall obsidian towers that reached the ends of the skys, stretching all around l'manburg. He said he had the walls guarded so that no one could escape or try to destroy the walls, at least until tommy was exiled from the country. So, Tubbo did all that he really had the option to do, and exiled Tommy. The last anyone in L'manburg ever saw Tommy was with Dream, leaving the country. That was other than Ghostbur, who said that him and Tommy went on a vacation. He said that Tommy was not at the vacation spot anymore, but that he knew where the blonde was. 

"Ghostbur, would I be allowed to visit Tommy?" I asked him.

"I would think so! Although I don't know that Techno is very found of visitors..." Ghostbur's soft voice rung out. 

"Oh he is staying with Techno? I know Techno, we have had a few laughs." I mentioned, thinking back on some of the fond memories. There weren't many, as I hadn't really known him for too long, but we agreed on a bunch. Now, was he a friend? I mean...not exactly? I mean it would be great to have a new friend, especially one i agree with as much as I do but he doesn't trust anyone. There has to be a bit of trust for a true friendship to exist, let alone last. This doesn't exactly matter though.

"I'm sure Technoblade wouldn't mind too much if you came along with me to visit Tommy!" The ghost smiled.

"I think you ought to ask him if I am allowed to visit first, that way you don't experience his wrath." I jokingly nudged the ghost with my shoulder. Or, I tried to, although he is a ghost, so I sort of phased through him and almost fell to the ground. Regaining an upright posture, I heard ghostbur chuckle.

"I will ask him when I go visit today, meet me here tomorrow so I can tell you what he says." The ghost stated, earning a nod from me.

"I shall expect to see you here tomorrow. I shall be off now, I have to tend to my farm and visit with niki. Farewell, Ghostbur!"  I waved goodbye before heading towards my cottage. Now all I have to do is wait another 24 hours before I know if I will be able to visit the literal child. I tended to my garden and gave niki ingredients. We both chatted until the moon begun to rise, which was when we decided to call it a night and head to our houses to eat dinner and go to bed.

Now, it was the next day. Time usually flew by, but today it went by ever so slowly. Eventually, it was around the same time as the previous day for me to meet ghostbur. I decided to head there a bit early, to stand around and watch the peacefulness of the country. 

Said peacefulness was only short lived, when a man adorning a green kimono and stripped bucket hat was being escorted by...President Tubbo? I took a moment to watch the situation. This man was in chains, a pair of ink black wings that were shackled together to prevent him from flying away. Holy crap it was Philza. Had they finally found him? There was more people escorting him other than Tubbo. Quackity, Fundy, and Ranboo were also leading him to a house. What were they doing?

A Crows Love (Philza x reader) (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now