The Hunt

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As the alarm went off for my morning run, I really didn't feel like getting out of bed. The last time I looked at the clock was at 4:30 am. I was going over all the scenarios that I would be facing if I tried to sign Emblem 3 with MDS Records. I was trying to figure out the pros and cons.

Slowly I rolled over and sat up. My feet hit the cold wood floor. 'Brr," I thought. I stood up and stretched. Out of all mornings this morning I did not want to go for my run. I suddenly interrupted myself, "Wait there is a chance I could see him again. I quickly put my tights on and picked out a little E3 tank that clearly showed my figure instead of a baggy t-shirt. "If he doesn't remember with this tank on then clearly that night meant nothing to him!" I thought to myself. I raced to the door to put on my running shoes. Opening the door I slowly stretched again and started to jog at a steady pace. Damn it Keanna... how many more blocks until I am there. I thought as I tried to remember the exact corner I had met up with them.  I got to the corner that I remembered seeing them at and looked at my watch. Had I missed them? I looked down in disappointment. I crossed the street and decided to continue on to the next block to get my full 5 kms in this morning since I had missed it yesterday. I heard a vehicle coming from behind. I kept running, I knew I was at least halfway up the block so there was no way it was them. I heard someone say, "Wait here I will be right back." and a car door closing.

'Keanna!' The voice yelled. I thought to myself, what the hell, who would be calling my name? I don't know anyone around here. I started picking up speed. I could hear the sound of footsteps pick up, they were starting to run after me. I broke out to a full out run, I was panicking a little. I didn't want to turn around and see who it was, it would break my pace. "Keanna wait!" they yelled again. "Keanna, it's me Wesley!" he yelled. I stopped dead in my tracks causing a charlie horse in the back of my calf.  I dropped to the ground right away in pain.

I looked back to ensure it was him and sure enough he was running to catch up. I reached down to massage my charlie horse. "Jesus," he said, "you can really boot 'er when you want can't you?"

I looked up and smiled. He noticed that I was holding my leg, "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine, I just got a stupid charlie horse from stopping so quick when you said your name." I said wincing in pain.

"So you do remember me then?" he smiled.

"Of course I remember you jackass. It took you long enough to remember me though." I looked up at him to see an apologetic look.

"I am so sorry," he said.

"No need to apologize," I reacted defensively, "You are all alike, promise the world, get a taste of fame and poof all morale vanishes from your soul!" I shook my head and tried to stand up. The charlie horse was still not working itself out.

"Woah!" he said taken back by what I had said, "Not a morning person clearly?'

"Please, I work with your type everyday! Don't try to turn this around on me." Finally I was able to stand although not very well. Wes must have seen the pain in my face because he immediately put  my arm around his shoulder for support. "I don't need your help," I tried to squirm away from him.

"Okay first off, lose the attitude, secondly, what the hell is your problem?" he was finally started to loose his patience with me.

'My problem? My problem is 8 months ago you would never forget me. You get under Simon's direction for a couple months and poof I am a distant memory! Screw you Wes!" I yelled

"Keanna, I am sorry for not recognizing you yesterday! Hell, I knew that I recognized you from somewhere, I just couldn't place a name to the face! It has been almost a year for fuck sakes!" he was raising his voice to a dull roar now. 

I looked up at him with fury in my eyes, "What since you became famous, you have so many girls flocking themselves to you, you completely forgot all about us little people?" I scowled.

Looking at me he just shook his head, "Fuck this, I'm out." he said. "Have fun trying to get home with the use of one leg. You are not the person I thought you were. You have changed, maybe you should be looking in the mirror when you are talking about who has changed. You have turned into a self righteous bitch! Peace!" he said and let go of me. I tried to put pressure on my leg to start walking home but the pain was too much. I collapsed back to the pavement.

'OMG OWWW!" I yelped in pain, "Wes," I yelled. He ignored me, who could blame him, I was being a total bitch, "Wes I am sorry, please?" I was almost crying. He stopped and turned to look at me. I put my head down. Completely and udderly embarrassed at the way I acted towards him. "I think this is more then a charlie horse. I need your help. Please." The pain was too much, tears started streaming down my eyes. He ran to me instantly to pick me up and cradled me. Suddenly a car pulled up. I looked and Drew jumped out of the drivers seat and ran over.

"'What the hell happened" Drew yelled

'I don't know, we thought it was a charlie horse, but she can't walk" Wes said panicking and that is when I saw it. The worry in his eyes, I knew, he still had the same feelings he had while I was lying in his arms 8 months ago. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. He looked down at me surprised. I pulled him in and our lips connected. The spark was still there. What the hell was I going to do?

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