What's the plan?

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The five of us were laughing and talking for the next couple hours, just getting reacquainted with each other. I was grateful that Wes did not mention anything to the boys about the label during this time. Chloe was telling them all about her career. I asked her to come to the bathroom as soon as she mentioned MDC Records using the excuse I needed help. Once I got her in she stopped dead in her tracks and said, "Ok are you two fighting or something? What did I miss while I was out? You were fine when Drew and I left and now Keaton, Drew and I are doing all the talking."

I looked at her. I could feel the tears building up and they were coming quickly. "No we are fine. Oh Chloe, what am I going to do?" I broke down.

"Wait, am I missing something. Kee talk to me." she said placing her arms around my neck and pulling me in for a hug. "Shh, you don't want them to hear you."

I absolute love this girl. She knew as soon as they had returned from picking up Keaton that things were off and played like everything was fine, now without me telling her what is going on she is trying to hide my sobs so nobody could hear. Someone knocked on the bathroom door and whispered, "it's me, Wes."

Chloe gave me a look that was asking, "Do you want me to let him in." I slowly nodded my head. As she slowly opened the door Wes saw me sitting on the side of the tub sobbing. "Keanna, please don't cry. It will be fine. We will fix this!' He rubbed my back.

"Fix what?" Chloe questioned, "I am out in left field on this." She had knelt down so she was on the floor in front of me.

"Oh Chloe, I am going to tell you something. I am so sorry! I should have told you before you and Drew decided to get together this morning but you have to know. The label...." I started and Wes cut me off.

"Wait before you say anything," he looked intently at Chloe, "Drew can't know anything. I need to be the one to tell him, please?" he pleaded with her.

"Yes, fine, my lips are sealed" Wes gave he an uneasy look, "Wesley, I am serious, I won't say anything. You aren't leaving the label are you Kee." as she said it she threw her hands up to her mouth.

"What? No." I chuckled, "But Jarett called me in the office yesterday after I was talking to you in the lunch room. It completely slipped my mind to fill you in but, MDC is looking to sign the boys." I looked at her waiting for her to process what I said.

"Seriously" she said with a huge grin and silently clapped her hands, then it hit her, "Wait..... that means, oh no! That means, no you and Wes, no Drew and I." she looked like she was going to break down now. Slowly a tear ran down her cheek as well.

"Don't!" Wes looked at her catching her off guard smiling. "I can't handle both of you crying right now. I may look tough on the outside but I am a softy on the inside. These pipes are just for the gun show!" He said  flexing his arms. 

Chloe and I looked at each other in shock at what he just said. Simultaniously we both burst into laughter. "You did NOT just say that," she said in between breaths.

"Well, I had to say something to get you two out of your girly moment!" he responded defensively.

We both started laughing again. "For real," he said, "We will get through this. I coming up with a plan, don't worry. Everything will be fine!' He handed the two of us a couple of tissues each, "now pull yourselves together. We don't want them to suspect anything."

Chloe and I completely forgot about Keaton and Drew being in the house. There was another knock on the door. "Did you three fall in or something? Jeez you have been in there forever." Keaton yelled.

"Yeah, we are fine," Wes said. "Clumsy Chloe made the shower curtain fall while Keanna was using the bathroom I am just fixing it for them.' he finished and looked at us nodding his head for us to agree.

"Yeah, we will be out in a few minutes." I followed suit.

"Good, just hurry up, I still haven't gotten those Waffles and coffee I was promised. Why do you think I came here?" Keaton joked.

We all laughed, "Dude, get your own damn waffles. I already told you! You are 16 for fuck sakes." Wes said.

"Not fair, I am the baby!" I could hear disappointment in Keaton's voice.

"You two good?" Wesley turned his attention on us.

We looked at him and nodded our heads and followed him out. We almost fell over as Keaton was standing right in the door case. "Well would you look at that? You have more uses then just looking good for the ladies Wes. Good job!" he smirked as Wes rolled his eyes and we followed behind "Shower curtain fatality," Keaton laughed as he walked in and Drew looked up from playing the ukulele.

'Ah," Drew responded grabbing Chloe and pulling her to sit on his knee "I'm starving what are we having for supper and what are the plans for tonight?" 

We decided that because I was stuck in bed we would have a flick night. Chloe and Drew had decided they would pick out the movies and while they were out they would pick up sushi for supper. They were quite cute and actually reminded me alot of myself and Wes. At first I was skeptical of the idea of the two of them after the night at Supercross with Wes, but then I thought to myself, who am I to judge.

'So," Keaton distracted my thoughts, "Anymore little hotties you would like to invite from Wilmington so I am not the 5th wheel? Maybe a sister of one you two. I am not enjoying the fact I have nobody." As he finished his sentenced Zuni let out a little meow and walked over to him and placed his head on Keaton's leg. Wes and I started laughing. "Sorry buddy," Keaton started petting the cat, "you aren't really my type." As he said it, Keaton decided he would go to the living room and work on some of their original songs that they had been working on since leaving X Factor to give Wes and I some time alone. I looked over at Wes as soon as everyone was out of the room.

"So," I questioned. "What's the plan Evil Canevil?"

He sighed heavily, "I'm still working on it." and looked down at me. My eyes clearly having a hopeless look because as he saw my face he shifted me to my back and positioned himself on top of me. "Don't worry, babe. I got this." and then proceeded to kiss me and slowly started to explore my neck, he was making his way to my ear. 

"Oh no," I thought to myself, but he had found it. The one spot that completely set me off. I let out a soft moan. And felt a smile develop on his face. I ran my  fingers through his hair as he slowly made his way to the top of my tank where the little cleavage I had was slightly showing.

"Shit, sorry,' Drew exclaimed throwing his hands over his eyes and slammed the door.

We both started laughing. "Let's go eat!" I said.

"It's sushi, it can wait," Wes said resuming his position. I pushed him off and laughed. 

"Or, we can eat with the rest of them now so everyone in the house doesn't know what is happening." I whispered and kissed him on the forehead, "Now let's go!"

He sighed and went to roll out of the bed. 'You are going to have to give me a minute" he admitted and covered himself up with the blanket. I looked down in confusion and saw what was holding him up. I started laughing. "Aw, now I feel bad!" I joked. "No you don't." he groaned and finally stood.  He came to my side of the bed and helped me up. "That was way to close, thank you Drew!" I thought to myself.

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