Chapter 5

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Wilbur had been surprised when he'd woken up in Techno's cabin. He'd been even more surprised when Phil had walked over to him, pulling him into a tight hug, the embrace a feeling Wilbur hadn't felt in a long, long time. Tears had welled in his eyes when he realised, he could feel the warmth of his father hands as he took his hand, bringing it to his chest. Wilbur's hands didn't go through the other man like they normal would have, instead they landed on his chest, his once ghostly figure now a solid form.

That day felt like it was a long, long time ago.

Wilbur had now grown used to being, well, almost mortal again. He didn't rush to find shelter when it began to rain. He didn't pick things up, forgetting that they now held a weight. He didn't flinch when someone reached out, touching his shoulder.

Wilbur had been resurrected. He was back, a solid form, no longer a ghost, roaming the earth, searching for something to take them home.

Tommy had been on his mind more than he'd liked. He worried for his youngest brother.

He'd wanted to visit him badly as well, to make sure dream wasn't getting into his head too much. He didn't remember much from the time in exile with tommy, his memories were still hazy, a whirl of images from the past. The memories from when he was a ghost were even more hazy, but that didn't mean he'd totally forgotten.

Certain images would flash through his mind, images of Dream, pulling out the feathers of Tommy's wings, his brothers face screwed into one of pain. He remembered the way Dream would talk to his brother, the way he'd take his will away, manipulating him into some sort of petty toy for Dream to use. He was a constant shadow cast over Tommy's mind.

Wilbur had begged Techno to let him see Tommy. Technoblade had refused, claiming that it could jeopardize Wilbur, and Philza's safety. If the citizens of L'manberg found out that Phil had found a way to bring people back from the dead...well, Technoblade feared what they might do to him.

Regardless, Wilbur had snuck out, making the long trek to Logsted. He felt guilty, leaving Tommy behind the way he had. He supposed Ghostbur had been the one to disappear, but that didn't mean Tommy didn't deserve an explanation.

He'd been so close to Tommy, so close to seeing his brother again, but he'd failed to get the chance to talk to him. Dream had been there, his smiling mask still the same as ever. And, before he knew it, Technoblade had caught up with him, his eyes showing the only hint of anger he held.

Wilbur didn't go back to Logsted, he decided that maybe waiting for the right time to see his brother would be best. And so, he waited.

And yet, the night Techno had pulled Tommy and Phil through his door had been a shocking one. Dream had finally lost it at the boy, it seemed.

That was the night Wilbur began to feel the hate building up in his gut. The hate for Dream, the man that had done this to his brother, the man who'd hurt his brother.

Little did Wilbur know; Tommy's scars would run deeper than the physical ones that would run down his back.

Pushing down his spiraling emotions, Wilbur helped Technoblade clean their family up, and get them into bed. Wilbur had spent the entire time watching over Tommy. He hated himself for knowing something was wrong, and not doing anything about it. He knew he should've tried harder to talk to the blonde.

Wilbur only left his brothers side when Phil had woken up. They'd talked and decide that maybe it was best for Tommy not to see Wilbur, not straight away at least. Tommy would be fazed, and in need of rest. Adding the fact that Wilbur was alive onto everything he was going through may not be the best choice. Reluctantly, Wilbur agreed.

Phil hadn't asked any questions about Tommy. He wanted answers, but he knew that asking Wilbur could drag up other painful memories, so he opted not to. And, although he knew that Will knew something, he decided that answers would come with time, and trust.

Now, he sat in Technoblade's armchair, the eldest out in the woods, collecting more logs for the upcoming cold winter nights. Phil was in the kitchen, cooking a warm soup for Tommy, who'd just woken up from his slumber.

Wilbur resisted the urge to go see his brother, instead he looked out the window, gazing at the snowy fields that went on for miles. He reminisced of the days him and Tommy would play in the snow, not a worry in the world. He remembered the day they'd built their first snowman together. The memory had Will laugh.

Soon Tommy. He said to himself, his eyes watching the trees in the distant forest sway. Soon, I promise we will reunite.


Tommy woke up a few hours after he'd fallen asleep, the torch on the wall providing a glimmering light to the room in which he lay. A little light from the sky outside made the curtains glow, Tommy presumed it must be sunset, or near that time of the evening.

Phil climbed back up the ladder, a bowl of steaming soup in his hand. The smell of it wafted toward Tommy, making his mouth water. He hadn't had a proper meal in, well, a long time. Bread, small amounts of unseasoned meant, and anything else he could scavenge were what he'd been eating for a matter of months now.

His father placed the soup down on the table by the side of his bed, the blonde sitting up.

"Thankyou." He said, his voice tried. Phil smiled.

"Call me if you need anything else, I'll be down the ladder."

Tommy nodded, watching Phil leave before he placed the soup in his lap, the warmth of the bowl sinking through the blanket.

He began to eat, slowly at first. He hadn't had a big meal in months, and he needed to adjust. He knew if he ate too much to quickly the contents of his stomach would end up on the floor. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin the shiny, wooden floor of his brothers cabin as soon as he arrived. Technoblade would shout at him. He didn't want to be yelled at.

The taste of the soup was harsh, it burnt his tongue. Chicken, maybe beef too, cooked to perfection in a warm broth, vegetables floating around the bowl. It bought back memories Tommy had almost forgotten, and he couldn't help but smile, despite the distrust he still felt. Despite the confusion.

Phil was looking after him, something he hadn't done in a long time. But Tommy wouldn't give into his affections so easily, he still needed to get back to Dream.

Tommy managed to down half the bowl before it became too much, his stomach full. He put his bowl to the side, resting it gently on the table, exhaustion taking over his body once again.

He had to admit that amongst his feelings, the fear of seeing Technoblade was there. Their last encounter had been...eventful, and Tommy was worried about what the older man would do. Techno had always been clear with his feelings, and he wasn't afraid to show what he felt...even if it resulted in violence.

But that didn't mean Tommy would back down either. Although he could feel his confidence wavering, whatever he had left in him was not scared to back down from a fight. Especially a fight from Techno.

He closed his eyes, letting his thoughts drain away as he once again fell into a deep sleep. 

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