chapter 3: problematic

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A/n: welcome to chapter 3 sorry for taking so long. None of the images in this chapter are mine credit goes to their owners.

(3rd pov)

Glynda started up the slot machine with it constantly spinning and if it was spinning slower you can see the symbol each team went by. After a minute the slot machine slowed down to reveal (your/symbol) and the symbol for gremory.

Glynda: and the opponents have been may the students selected please come down to the arena.

Rias smirked while you had a neutral face. The other students (mostly bullies) was saying that (y/n) is going to lose. After making it to the arena (y/n) walked to one side of the arena while rias went to the other side.

Glynda: the PR festival tournament has different rules the the vytal festivals tournament. The first one to fall out of the arena or can't get off the ground when they are down after 10 seconds loses am i clear.

Rias: yes maam!

(Y/n) just nods in understanding and summons the katana and starts to spin it around skillfully surprising rias that (y/n) didn't cut yourself at all. After a few seconds (y/n) stop spinning the katana and grabbed the hilt and pointed the blade at rias and made a quick stab in the air towards rias then move into a full defensive stance.

Glynda:ready. Go!

Before rias could even use her p.o.d she suddenly fell to the floor unconscious while (y/n) got out of his defensive stance and dematerialize the katana and crossed his arms and scoffs.

(Y/n): hmph is that the best you could do? Pathetic.

Glynda: it seems that rias gremory is unconscious the winner is (y/n).

Silence can be heard in the stands as the students had their mouths open in shock that (y/n) defeated rias. Suddenly issei stood up and pointed at (y/n).

Issei: i call bullshit on that!

Glynda looked at issei and frowned.

Glynda:it's obvious that mr.(L/n) won against ms.gremory since she didn't get up from laying on the ground after ten seconds.

Issei snarled but sat back down while (y/n) walked back to his seat and sat there looking on as rias is carried to the infirmary.

Glynda: we still have time for one more match but this time I'll talk about the vytal festival tournaments rules. Jaune, cardin you two will fight against each other.

(Timeskip because the fight will be like that jaundice episode)

(Y/n pov)

Finally its lunch time it's kind of funny to see jaune get beat by cardin who looked like he wasn't really trying and jaune was saved by the bell for lunch so i got up and left. Once i reached the cafeteria i sat down at an empty table and brought out my (favorite/food) and began to eat it. And after a few minutes of eating some food hit my face and i heard a few snickers from some of the students. I sighed in annoyance and wipe the food off my face with a paper towel and left the cafeteria while putting the tray on the holder.
After walking through the halls my ears picked up footsteps coming towards me fast. So i turned towards the noise and grabbed a punch from the pervert issei.

Issei: i will make you pay for harming buchou.

Y/n: oh please, i can easily use you to wipe this whole academy clean of dirt.

Before issei could retaliate alarms started to go off through the school and ozpins voice is heard from the speakers.

Ozpin: attention students an unknown creature is approaching the school. We need your help in protecting the school and union city.

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