(If you want to see the key go to prolouge enjoy :) )
(3rd Pov)
When ozpin said that sentence rias suddenly smirked and said something that made nezu mad.
Rias: whatever it is they will soon become a part of my peerage soon
Principle nezu smacked rias upside the head and yelled at her.
Nezu: are you crazy this being is no joke it can wipe countless universes into it's image in under a second if it's host can't control it.
What nezu said made rias freeze instantly and made sirzech go pale
Sirzech: so your saying it can't be controlled?
Nezu: pretty much
Ozpin: back to the topic i want the three of you to find the host of it and convince them to be on our side.
All the teams except ruby suddenly get a bad feeling while ruby suddenly blushed but yang noticed and for some reason got jealous.
Yang: ruby why are you blushing?
Ruby: i don't know i just suddenly felt my face warm up!?
After that subject was abandoned they all went back into the elevator and head towards union city in hopes of finding this host
(Your pov)
You eyes shoot open and you look around to see that you are floating in a area with a weird pattern of red and black zig zag stripes and a pulsating sounds can be heard.
Y/n: where am i?
Suddenly you felt like something was trying to burrow into your mind and good lord was it painful you was screaming in pain but also trying to keep strong in which you succeed and the pain disappears and you are suddenly pulled back and you find yourself in your second dorm on the floor. When you stand you see what looks like a ruby with the same design as that makeshift void you woke up in when you look outside you see that it is dark outside so you decided to meditate/sleep for a bit.
(3rd pov a few hours ago)
With the group that was sent to find this mysterious being ruby rose was getting flustered everytime she thought of y/n. While they was moving through union city they saw the signs for the upcoming memorial for the first hero of union city and the heros name was: infinite. The group (except rias and issei) paid respects to the hero and weiss seemed to be enthusiastic about this event.
Weiss:i just love the PR event don't all of you
Ruby:what even is the PR event?
Weiss: the PR stands for phantom ruby and the event is a tournament and an assessment of challenges and delicacies and at the end is a dance and the results to the winner of the tournament and the winner to wear a crown made of gold and has a real ruby that looks just like the phantom ruby
Yang:so the event has a prom dance (i know who i will take to the dance)
Weiss: no yang it's not like that
Yang suddenly had a sad look on her face but the others ignored it and head back to union when rias suddenly stopped which caused the others to stop and turn to her in confusion.
Kiba: what's wrong rias?
Rias: i may know who might have whatever it is.
(It seems rias knows who has this being but does she truly know? Find out next time on wattpad)

A Path Hidden From Others (bullied infinite male reader x crossover)
Fanfictionyou live in a world of quirks,semblances, and sacred gears. you (y/n) have a hidden power that you keep a secret causing you to be bullied. what happens if you suddenly snap and this power tries gains control of you? (I only own the story not the ch...