(Welcome to chapter 6 of this soon to be liked story hope you enjoy.)
(3rd pov)
When y/n turned around and saw qrow standing where y/n heard the voice.
Qrow: surprised? I am as well since oz assigned me this mission
Y/n: no wonder i smelled alcohol nearby, hello qrow.
Qrow walked up to y/n and stuck his hand out for a handshake. Y/n returned the gesture by shaking qrows hand.
Both qrow and y/n chuckled as they showed that they both had a whoopie cushion on the hand they shook with.
Y/n: you never cease to amaze me qrow.
Qrow: and you to kiddo. Now let's get this mission started.
Both qrow and y/n enter the bullhead that takes them to the location and the bullhead started to fly away.
(Issei pov)
I can't believe buchou signed us to do gardening. I'm the red dragon emperor darn it.
Rias: issei are you ok?
Issei(sarcastic): I'm just fucking dandy buchou.
(Back to y/n in 3rd pov)
Y/n was sitting on a seat looking out of the window while qrow was drinking out of his flask. After a few minutes of flying qrow stops drinking out of the flask and looked at y/n.
Qrow: hey kid.
Y/n looked at qrow with a confused look on his face.
Y/n: us something wrong qrow?
Qrow: nothings wrong it's just...do you want to play cut throat(an actual card game) with me?
Y/n: I'll humor you for a few minutes.
Qrow was seen sulking in the corner while y/n was sitting in a seat holding a lot of lien in his hand.
Qrow: how did you even win? My semblance should have made it difficult for both of us but it only made it harder for me.
Y/n: well qrow the reason to how i win is that i don't focus on luck but on what could be the next card which is a risky gamble but i pulled it off.
The bullhead then slightly jostles and the intercom to the speakers came on.
Pilot: we have reached your destination gentlemen be sure to be back as quick as possible.
Y/n: don't worry about it sir we will be fine.
Both y/n and qrow then got off the bullhead and head towards the coordinates of the mission not aware of a figure watching them from afar.
(Timeskip by an hour)
Once qrow and y/n reached the location it was empty besides the fact that there was swords embedded into the ground.
Y/n: looks like someone was fighting here.
Qrow: yeah but where is the creature.
Suddenly there was a loud crack from the trees and the creature emerged from the the area that the trees fell down from and charged at the two. It looked like a werewolf but it had those glowing red cubes attached to its body. Both y/n and qrow jumped out of the way as the creature dove at the spot they was in before before turning around to see both y/n and qrow with their weapons out.
Y/n: this must be it
Qrow: it seems to be.
Both: its time to take it down!
In a instant both y/n and qrow run at the creature and began slicing at it a few times before suddenly being knocked back by a shockwave and the creature began to shake while the cubes glowed even brighter before two more arms came out of its back. Y/n smirked at this and the blade on his weapon began to glow before y/n suddenly disappears infront of qrow and the mutated creature surprising them before y/n appeared behind the creature with his palm out.
Suddenly the creature had multiple slash marks on it's body while y/n unleashed a beam of energy that evaporated the creature while the creature howled in pain. Once the beam dissipated y/n returned the sword to the pocket dimension it was in.
Y/n: that takes care of that lets head back.
Qrow and y/n then started to head back to the bullhead when suddenly qrow gets launched into a tree by a beam of energy which makes y/n get into a stance while two red eyes look at him from the shadows of the forest.
???: the doctor has been looking all over for you infinite.
Y/n: how do you know that name?
The figure then starts to walk out from the darkness to reveal that it's metal sonic though y/n didn't know who this was
Metal: the doctor has sent me to retrieve you for his plan.
Y/n: I'm not infinite i am y/n. Why are you looking for my father?
Metal sonic paused as if he is in surprise and fully focused on y/n.
Metal: so your the son of infinite. Interesting but that doesn't matter tou will come with me to the doctor or else.
Metal sonic then got into a stance before suddenly rushing at y/n which caught y/n by surprise which launched him backwards by a kick to the stomach by metal sonic. Y/n recovered from the attack and summoned the katana and rushed at metal sonic and made an overhead slash which metal sonic dodged.
Metal: you are very durable and that makes you useful to the doctor.
Metal sonic then started to throw multiple punches at y/n only for y/n to deflect them with the katana and counter with a fierce slash at metal sonic only to cut off his right arm.
Metal: grr....impressive you managed to hit me. You may have won this fight but this is far from over.
Metal sonic then disappears into thin air which surprised y/n. After shaking out of his surprise he went to where qrow is and lifted him off the ground and put him over his shoulder and walked back to the bullhead.
(Timeskip to union academy)
Once the bullhead landed qrow woke up and looked around and saw y/n standing on the other side of the bullhead while the bullhead opened its door to let the two off.
Qrow: what happened while i was out kid?
Y/n: nothing happened qrow you just passed out from a scratch that the creature did it had a paralyzing poison that renders those hit unconscious temporarily.
Qrow sighed and accepted this and got off the bullhead and headed towards union academy in silence.
(Thats chapter 6 hope you enjoyed)

A Path Hidden From Others (bullied infinite male reader x crossover)
Fanfictionyou live in a world of quirks,semblances, and sacred gears. you (y/n) have a hidden power that you keep a secret causing you to be bullied. what happens if you suddenly snap and this power tries gains control of you? (I only own the story not the ch...