chapter 9: a curse? or a blessing?

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(Welcome to chapter 9 of this story you can't get enough of. Let's begin)

(3rd pov union city)

Y/n lands down at an abandoned warehouse where news reports stated of people being lured in at night and their mangled corpse found in the morning. Y/n decided to investigate this and see if a criminal or a stray devil is behind it. Y/n then stopped in his tracks when he heard a teenager's voice coming from the warehouse with a woman's voice following afterwards.

???(teen): oh god, someone help me please!

???(female): scream for help as much as you like it only makes the meal more tasty~

Y/n ran and burst through the warehouse doors to reveal a female stray devil with the lower half of a snake and a exposed torso holding a someone that you recognize instantly. It was izuku with eyes as wide as dinner plates in fear as the lower half of the stray devil was opened at the waist to show rows of sharp teeth waiting for it's next meal. Both izuku and the stray devil looked where y/n was and izuku had a look of hope on his face. The stray devil smirked and tossed izuku at a wall which caused him to spit out saliva before going unconscious.

???: what's a lowly mortal doing disturbing my meal time.

The stray devil then sniffed the air and suddenly gained a lustful look on her face.

???: actually you'll do as a good meal and personal toy for me.

Before the stray devil could do anything she snarled after getting a swift smell of the air again.

???: damn it's that gremory brat. We will settle this later handsome~

The stray then fled into a hole in the side of the building while y/n walked over to the unconscious izuku. Once y/n was infront of izuku he dodged to the right and saw some strands of white hair. Y/n then backflipped away from koneko and landed a few feet away from koneko which allowed y/n to see the rest of the peerage run in with their devil wings.

Rias: Helena you have ran away from your master in pursuit of accomplishing your own personal desires return to your master or die.

Y/n sighs and looks towards the hole in the wall that the stray devil escaped through. He then pointed towards the hole in the wall

Y/n: if your looking for a stray devil it escaped through that hole in the wall.

Rias: i don't believe that your not helena from our reports she can shape shift into anyone that she kills. Kiba!

Kiba then rushes towards y/n at a fast pace and before kiba could swing his sword he felt steel touch his neck which caused him to jump backwards.

Rias: kiba what are you doing?

Kiba: sorry buchou it's just that i thought i felt a blade touch my neck.

This caused rias to gain a serious look.

Rias: akeno!

Akeno then conjured a magical circle and aimed it at y/n.

Akeno: try not to die too soon i want to enjoy this~

Akeno then fired the lightning at y/n only for y/n to summon a short one sided sword and aimed it at the lightning akeno shot at him and the blade glowed yellow as the lightning was absorbed into the blade(if you ever played xenoverse 2 you know the reference if you have played the story) which surprised the group of devils. Y/n then looked at the devils and vanished into thin air shocking the group.

Rias: what was that they never said she can teleport.

Issei: we should head back buchou and besides I've been looking forward to spending time with you.

A Path Hidden From Others (bullied infinite male reader x crossover)Where stories live. Discover now