10 - Pack Representatives

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"You're kidding me, right?" Your mother's voice scoffs from the other side of the line. There's no point in denying the fact she is beyond frustrated, but it's not like you feel inclined to alleviate her stress. "You read through the entire will and you couldn't find a single thing? Are you sure you read through it carefully?"

"Mother, I'm just as confused as you are, truly," you hum in the fakest - yet believable - tone you can muster in an attempt to appease the agitated woman. "I read through the entire document three times - I even spent minutes analyzing each sentence - but I couldn't find anything."


"-And before you try to accuse me any further of not reading in between the lines or analyzing in fine detail, I even pre-drafted a list of all of the possible inside jokes, meaningful phrases, and significant memories Grandfather and I have had developed over the years to reference. None of them came up," you cut her off with another big lie.

Did you actually take time out of your day to annotate your grandfather's "will" just like your mother had asked you to? Yes. Did you feel like a zombie while doing it because you exerted most of your energy enjoying your time with the pack earlier that day? Absolutely. But did you actually try to find hidden messages? Well, no of course not. You just underlined and took notes of phrases or sentences that made your work seem legitimate.

"Very well then," your mother sighs into the phone. "I can't believe we wasted all of those summers for nothing."

"What? What do you mean?" you ask as your eyebrows furrow in confusion. The scenery whizzing by you as you drive down the highway is a beautiful mixture of greens, but the questions that are bouncing around in your mind are now distracting you from taking in the surrounding nature. "I spent my summers with Grandfather and Grandmother."

"Exactly! Your father and I left you to spend the summer with your grandparents hoping our attempts would lead to some success in attaining their inheritances. But clearly, we wasted our time when we should have been sending you to academic boot camps to further prepare you for the business world. Maybe then we would have had success in taking over the company, at the very least," she explains as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

There's a brief silence as your mind falls numb after listening to your mother's words. Your two hands unconsciously tighten around the steering wheel before you exhale slowly and allow one hand to fall back onto the gear shift out of pure habit.

"I-" you start with a minutely heated tone, but you cut yourself off in order to prevent the onset migraine about the take place. "Look, Mother. I really tried my best. But perhaps Grandfather truly left us all without inheritances. There's nothing much I can do from this point on."

"Oh, Y/N," your mother clicks her tongue annoyingly as her tone drips with sarcasm. "There are most definitely other ways. We just-"

"Okay, well as much as I would love to stay on the line to chat about these alternative methods, I am running late for a meeting with one of my coworkers. So if you'll excuse me, I'll have to end our call here for today," you say in a rush.

"But Y/N! I'm not-"

"Goodbye, Mother," you chirp before pressing the button on your steering wheel to drop the call faster than you can blink. An unconscious sigh escapes from your lips when a brief silence finally graces your vehicle. However, you cock your head to the side slightly when the silence lingers longer than usual instead of your phone returning to the playlist it was previously playing before your phone call.

"You have one new text message from Choi Soobin. Would you like me to read it?" Siri's automated voice alerts you.

"Yes, please," you chirp loud enough to be heard over the undertones of your car wheels running along the pavement.

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