24 - Headlines

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"Mother? I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time," you greet rather plainly as your gaze remains trained on the white panther hybrid sitting at the newly added desk in your office. Namjoon arches an eyebrow and one of his ears flick slightly as he listens for the older woman's response. "I have an important matter that I would like to discuss with you - if your time permits, of course."

Her tone had been pinched when she first answered the phone, suggesting that she was not in the most pleasant of moods at the moment. More often than not, if she is responding to you in that tone, at this time of day, you're safe to assume you had just interrupted her from something she was doing.

"Important matter?" the older woman questions, tone lightening immediately when she learns the intent of your call.

You roll your eyes almost instantly and you bite back the unamused scoff that's threatening to slip past your lips.

There's no way this woman thinks you suddenly have great news for her regarding your grandfather's will, does she?

"Yes, may I continue?"

"Go on, dear," your mother prompts in a rather eager tone. "But make it quick if you can. I was just about to make an important call."

"Of course," you nod curtly, a smirk curling on your lips. "I was just calling to ask why I've been followed every single day for the past few weeks."


"Don't stutter and try to act as if you're innocent. Do you think I haven't noticed your secretary and his men following me around town?" you seethe. "But that's not even the worst part. You want to follow me around because you're absolutely convinced Grandfather left something for me? Fine, whatever. But when you have your men trespass my intern's home - his private property - that's where I draw the line."

"Your intern? I didn't know you have an intern," your mother chuckles uneasily, desperately finding a way to slip herself out of this confrontation.

"Yes, mother. I have an intern now and I meet with him very often so that we can work on the project that I was telling you about last time."

"Well, how was I supposed to know that when all that my secretary told me was that you continuously visit a stranger's house!" the woman howls defensively.

"You could have called to ask me! You're my own mother. Do you think I would lie to you?" you exclaim exasperatedly.

"Actually, yes. I do think you would lie to me," she states flatly, her tone cold and void of any emotions. "I heard that you've been visiting this property regularly and yet I'm only receiving a call from you today. In fact, my secretary reported that you spent the night at that house yesterday. Something's not adding up, dear."

"Maybe that's because my poor intern didn't even know that the person that trespassed his property was his mentor's mother's secretary. My intern only made the connection this morning when I told him about your men after realizing they were following me yet again. That's when he showed me the video surveillance of your secretary climbing over the gate surrounding his property and snooping around in the front yard."

"He must have been mistaken," your mother responds stubbornly.

"Mistaken?" you cry out in anger. Namjoon visibly flinches at your sudden outburst but you know he's just as riled up taking into account that his jaw is currently locked in a tense position. "I saw it with my own eyes! One trip to the police department and you and your men are done for!"

"Now, now," she laughs uneasily at the sudden mention of bringing in law enforcement.

"Why do you sound so scared all of a sudden?" you chuckle dryly.

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