16 - Sunshine

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"I knew we shouldn't have let those three go together," Namjoon sighs, bringing one hand up to massage the tense muscle in between his eyebrows. "Not on their first trip out, at least."

"It wasn't my first trip out," Jimin huffs with a visible pout resting on his lips. "Plus, I know how to behave around humans."

"Right, sorry Chim. I meant I knew we shouldn't have let Taehyung and Jungkook out at the same time," the pack leader corrects himself.

"I still don't see what we did wrong," Taehyung states in a softer-than-usual tone, his voice teetering on the edge of being apprehensive and sassy.

"You growled at a random worker and Jungkook almost pounced the poor dude!" Yoongi exclaims exasperatedly. "You could have gotten in big trouble and that would've been it for us because Y/N isn't our owner so she can't save us even if she wanted to."

The two youngest pack mates lower their heads submissively and Taehyung's ears droop to match his mood while Jungkook's tail sways languidly behind him despite the blank expression he wears on his face. You've noticed that despite Jungkook's best attempts to mask his emotions, his tail always gives away his every mood - almost as if the appendage has a mind of its own.

"Yoongi, you know I would have done everything I could have if something bad happened right?" you try to comfort the agitated leopard hybrid.

Everything had been going quite well earlier that day. The moment you drove out of the garage with the three younger hybrids in your car, you had shuffled one of your upbeat playlists to lift the sour mood your previous conversation had left. During the drive, you had happily explained your plans to the three men - to which they all nodded along and listened eagerly.

In the midst of your animated rundown, it had slipped your mind to perhaps give a few pointers or a heads up to Taehyung and Jungkook - both of whom had not had much interaction experiences with humans other than yourself and your grandfather. You had naively assumed all seven pack members would be calm and collected like how Yoongi and Jimin behaved when they first met Soobin, no matter how nervous or scared they felt.

But, oh boy, were you wrong.

The moment you stepped into your first destination, a flooring store, an employee had approached you with a welcoming smile. Seconds after their greeting, the smile was wiped clean off their face when Taehyung let out a loud rumbling growl. The tiger hybrid had felt rather confident that day and opted to forgo the bucket hats you had brought along again. So, when his ears flipped from standing upright to slanting back on his head, and when the fur on his tail puffed up in an intimidating manner, you swore you saw the employee's irises tremble in fear.

Jungkook, who stood right next to the tiger hybrid, had the exact same response and immediately sprung into action by standing protectively in front of you in a stance that gave away he was ready to pounce at any given moment.

"Don't be too hard on them, Yoonie," Hoseok whispers softly as he places a comforting hand on the snow leopard hybrid's shoulder. "It was their first time meeting a human in the city. Their senses were probably on overdrive at the time."

"Not to mention that we all forgot to warn them ahead of time," Seokjin points out, from where he's settled in between the two cubs to give them reassuring ear scratches.

"The employee was really understanding about it after I had explained the situation," you add, trying to mitigate the situation.

Jimin had been the first to react and immediately reached both of his hands out to pinch at Taehyung and Jungkook's more sensitive feline ears. You, on the other hand, were still rather stunned as you watched the two cubs moments away from wreaking havoc in the peaceful store. The second Jimin latched his hands onto their ears, the two younger males' gaze immediately shifted from fierce to pained.

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