25 - Housewarming Gift

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"Ms. Y/L/N!"

"What do you have to say about the future of HK Holdings?"


When the elevator doors close shut, you finally let out the breath you've been holding ever since the press followed you from your car to the lobby of your workplace. The security guards were doing their best to control the crowd, but the masses were just too big and the two guards on duty weren't enough to keep the press from pestering you.

Your ears are ringing from having so many people shouting at once and the constant clicks of camera shutters going off are still playing on a loop in the back of your mind. Your vision is no better than your disoriented hearing - everything is a big blur of white no thanks to the bright flashes of the cameras.

"Y/N?" a soothing voice calls out just as the elevator doors open on your respective floor.

"Are you okay?" another familiar voice asks.

"Hi, Joonie. Hi Soobin," you greet, trying your best to force a smile onto your lips. But no matter how hard you try, your muscles won't cooperate and your attempt ends up looking more like a grimace.

"Was it bad?" Soobin frowns while Namjoon eagerly rushes forward to slip an arm around your waist to guide you towards your office.

"It was a good thing I had you bring Namjoon to the office today," you respond with an airy chuckle. "All of that noise probably would have overwhelmed his hybrid senses."

"I'm just glad I could help," the lawyer answers humbly.

"How is the rest of the pack? There aren't any reporters in front of the house, are there?"

"Nope, it was a quiet morning at the house today," the pack leader says with a shake of his head.

"That's good," you nod in relief. "What about you, Soobin? Any troubles this morning?"

"Everything was fine on my end as well," the lawyer responds. "You were the only one mentioned in the article. It's clear you're the only target."

"Right, the article," you huff with an eye roll. When you reach your office, you throw open the door rather angrily and make a beeline to your desk where you impatiently wait for your work PC to turn on.

Soobin startles slightly when you begin to type aggressively while Namjoon closes the door for some privacy before heading to his own desk.

"Sources tell us that Y/F/N, a senior associate at a Global Fortune 500 company, has been harboring a secret that was passed down to her by Han Hyunki himself." You begin to read an excerpt of the article aloud just as Soobin takes a seat on one of the chairs in front of your desk. "Allegedly, the former CEO had created a secret will that was addressed directly to Y//L/N. While she inherited everything - including HK Holdings - the rest of the family was left with nothing. Our sources have requested to remain anonymous at this point in time, but will be revealing more information as the situation rolls itself out."

"How did they even find out?" Namjoon sighs, rubbing at his temples in an attempt to soothe the tension that's beginning to build.

"There must be someone at my firm that knew about Mr. Han's case and told her mother," Soobin frowns.

"Mr. Han's case? Aren't you the lawyer who worked on his case?" the panther prods, receiving a confirming nod from the lawyer. "So then aren't you the only one who knows about this? Meaning you're the one who told Y/N's mother."

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