14 - Surprise

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"You know, Namjoon," you say to grab the pack leader's attention. "I take the contractor's comment as a good sign."

Currently, you're driving the pack in your SUV, only five minutes away from their new temporary home for the next few months. The vehicle is filled with a steady drone-like hum from the wheels constantly rolling along the smooth pavement below, and also the faint whispers of mild chatter coming from the youngest three of the pack in the last row. Beside you, Seokjin is sitting in the passenger seat with an easy grin on his lips as he admires the passing scenery. The remaining three hybrids are quiet, seemingly lost in their own worlds, but also enjoying the new sights in the middle row.

Initially, when the rest of the pack had seen your car while loading the boxes, they all did a double-take. Everyone was so used to associating you with the smaller sedan they had seen you driving each time you visited them. So, when they had followed you out to the smaller clearing and when your sedan was nowhere in sight, they were very curious about the sudden change in vehicle.

It had taken a teasing reminder that your regular car wouldn't have been able to fit everyone legally for them to understand why you drove a different car. But then that led to the question of how you were able to obtain this car.

Truthfully, this car wasn't always yours per se. It was one of your grandfather's many vehicles. So when he passed and when you inherited everything, this vehicle was subsequently deemed yours.

Earlier in the day, before you met up with the pack, you had driven to your grandfather's mansion for the first time since your last visit - a spontaneous weekend visit a week before he was hospitalized and a few weeks before he passed.

Originally, you planned to be in and out of the house in less than a few minutes. However, when you woke up this morning, something in your gut told you to go an hour early. When you had arrived, you finally understood why - you couldn't help but walk through each room to reminisce about all of the memories that were made there. In fact, you had spent an extra long time in your grandfather's office in particular; curled up on his expensive leather chair as tears fell silently down your cheeks while your mind replayed all of the moments he would play with you despite tending to business calls and emails.

"I don't think it's good at all," the pack leader refutes with a firm shake of his head. His ivory ears flopping softly at the brisk movement. You chuckle at him silently as you watch his adorable reaction through the rearview mirror. "He said he and his crew need to cut down some of the trees!"

"They won't have easy access to the clearing if they keep the trees there," you point out. "Keep in mind that a lot of their equipment is very large so they won't be able to carry them all by hand on the man-made trail. They'll most likely need to drive it in with their trucks."

"But those trees act as the perfect defense and privacy barrier," the white panther hybrid stresses. "Not to mention that they're beautiful - especially when the leaves dance so delicately in the wind during sunset."

"Tell me our pack leader is a romantic without actually telling me he's a romantic," Seokjin mutters under his breath which causes you, Hoseok, and Jimin to chortle. Even Yoongi pops a lazy crooked smile from where he's resting his head on one of the leader's shoulders.

"I know it's going to be hard to cut away those trees now that you've come to rely on so much. And I also agree they're beautiful trees - seeing them every time I visit just automatically lifts my mood," you sympathize with the sulking leader. "But it's also the only thing the contracting team needs to do before they start construction on Monday. It beats having the contractor tell us there's a list of problems that will drag the project on longer than expected."

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