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"He wants to meet up now," Taehyung told Jia who was sitting right next to Taehyung who was texting Sungjae. "Like, come over?" Jia asked since she was confused and Taehyung nodded. "He said he wants to talk about what happened cause we left things unfinished? I don't know. What do I do?!" Taehyung shook Jia who let Taehyung shake her as she then grabbed Taehyung and shook him back. "Stop freaking out." She said while shaking Taehyung who stopped trying to shake Jia. "It's nervewracking when someone says we need to talk. I can't help it."

Taehyung grabbed his phone and huffed out as he then began to type. "I'll tell him to meet me here, okay? I'll just hide at the side of your house." Taehyung mentioned to Jia who agreed with that so she wouldn't have to wait a long time for Taehyung to come to spill what happened. It's not like Taehyung could invite Sungjae to his house. Well- he could but it would be awkward to introduce Sungjae to his parents even as just a 'friend' so he decided to do this secretly. "Okay... he's coming." Taehyung put down his phone before he fell back onto the bed and hid his face.

"Maybe we're thinking too deep into this," Jia suggested as Taehyung removed his hands from his face. "I don't even know what to expect. I get it though, we did leave things unfinished but at the same time... ugh I don't know. I'll figure it all out." Taehyung got up from the bed to check himself out in Jia's vanity. "Do you have a mint?" Taehyung asked as he checked his own pockets. "A mint... for...?" Jia raised an eyebrow while staring at Taehyung. "Oh- Jia! It's not because of that!" Taehyung scoffed at Jia who hummed in a sassy way and went to her bag.

There Jia grabbed out her little packet of mints and gave two to Taehyung who popped one into his mouth and nodded. "Okay, alright. I'm going to wait outside." Taehyung told Jia as he left her room and looked around before he went down the stairs. Passing by Jungkook who had a snack in his hands. Not sparing Jungkook a word, Taehyung reached the bottom of the stairs and walked outside but the weird thing Jungkook noticed was that Taehyung didn't put on his shoes. Figuring maybe Taehyung just simply forgot about his shoes and so Jungkook shrugged it off and left to his room upstairs. Snacking on a gummy worm.

Taehyung sat on the stairs outside of the house for a few minutes just scrolling through his phone but Sungjae was messaging him about almost being there and so Taehyung got up and put his phone in his pocket. Just on time since he saw Sungjae crossing the road and coming onto the lawn in which Taehyung ended up pulling Sungjae to the side of the house. Not sure why Taehyung did so but Sungjae went along with it as he stood in front of the male. "So uh..." Sungjae bit his lip as he then grabbed his bag and took out mini powdered donuts still wrapped in the packaging.

"I got this for you." Sungjae smiled and put his bag over his shoulder as Taehyung grabbed the package and smiled. "I- Thanks." It's not that Taehyung loved powdered donuts but the first time Sungjae and Taehyung had a project together they were surviving off powdered donuts the whole time they worked on their assignment and so it was nice for Sungjae to think of doing this. Opening the packet, Taehyung grabbed a donut for himself and then offered a donut to Sungjae who chuckled and grabbed the donut. Both taking a bite before Sungjae spoke.

"About the party... Uhm, I wasn't at all defending Akio. What he did was wrong and he shouldn't have hit your friend for whatever reason but it was all just a misunderstanding." Sungjae explained and Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at that. "Okay and... how was it a misunderstanding? Akio was literally beating Jia and when I got there no one was doing anything. Even when you got in the room, your friend pulled me off. Outside wasn't any different. You were a part of the crowd, weren't you? You watched us fight."

Sungjae scratched at his neck and nodded slowly. "I was but... I don't know. I knew it was wrong so I let Akio get the beaten he deserved but then he started beating you up and before I could get involved that... man, Jia's brother? stepped in and by the time I could get your attention you know... everything just went to hell after that and he scared me. Did you see him literally knock out Akio by his kick?" Sungjae said with amazement although he did say he was scared of Jungkook. Not blaming Sungjae either, it was amazing how Jungkook could just knock out someone with his kick but it was scary at the same time.

"So you don't agree with what Akio did?" Taehyung asked Sungjae who nodded. "No. Not at all. Whatever the reason was he shouldn't have touched Jia." Sungjae made it clear to Taehyung as he finished his donut though nothing else was said as Taehyung turned once he heard Jungkook's voice. "Weren't you the one recording? I swore I saw your face recording before I got to the fight." Jungkook suddenly spoke up. Sungjae's eyes widening as Jungkook dropped Taehyung's shoes onto the grass. "Thought you left and forgot your shoes considering how forgetful you are," Jungkook said although he was looking at Sungjae.

Taehyung though was confused about what Sungjae said and what Jungkook just mentioned. By the time Taehyung realized what Jungkook said about him being forgetful though, he was gone back inside and Sungjae was left speechless since he didn't know what to say. "... You were recording?" Taehyung asked after a moment of silence. Sungjae stumbling over his words as Taehyung sucked in a breath, gave Sungjae the donuts, and walked off once he picked up his shoes. "Wait no- Taehyung," Sungjae called out as Taehyung then turned. "Save it okay? I don't need to hear any more of your lies."

Taehyung left Sungjae and went back inside but was stopped by the door being locked. A sigh coming from Taehyung who put his forehead against the door. A second later, the door opened and Taehyung fell forward a bit but he caught himself from the door being held by Jungkook. "Done with your boy toy?" Jungkook said with a raised eyebrow. Taehyung scoffing at that as he pushed past Jungkook but the boy grabbed Taehyung's wrist and pulled him out of the house. "Wait- Wait what the fuck? Jungkook, where are we going?" Taehyung asked but Jungkook didn't say anything as they approached his car.

There Jungkook opened the door for Taehyung and let go of Taehyung's arm. "... What do you expect me to do? Get in? I need to talk to Jia." Taehyung told Jungkook who only stood there with the same annoying look. Taehyung was afraid if he walked away Jungkook would somehow just kick him into the vehicle so Taehyung got in and put on his shoes since he still needed to do that. Meanwhile, Jungkook shut the door and walked over to the driver's side where he got in and started the vehicle. Taehyung was still unsure about why he was with Jungkook but he went with it... he had no choice but to go with it.

"So who's the guy?" Jungkook suddenly asked while he drove and kept his gaze towards the road. "... Uh..." Taehyung looked at Jungkook who didn't bother looking at him. Blinking several times as he looked forward. "A friend... or well, an ex classmate." Taehyung gulped while squeezing his hands between his thighs. "Didn't look like just an ex-classmate. Eating what was it? Powdered donuts? Gross." Jungkook scoffed at that which made Taehyung feel a little silly about hiding Sungjae beside Jungkook's house. "I well... he was supposed to be more than an ex-classmate but things happened."

Jungkook stopped the car once they got to a random parking lot. "So you were planning to be more than 'friends' huh?" Jungkook shut the vehicle off and Taehyung had to look around before he looked at Jungkook. "... That was the plan but it's messy and then I would have to come out which I don't ever want to do and... I don't know. Why are we in a parking lot?" Taehyung asked Jungkook who shrugged. "Needed to get away from home." Is all Jungkook said to have Taehyung furrowing his eyebrows. "And you brought me?"

"You were there and I wanted to talk." Jungkook shrugged. "Okay but we've talked all morning when Jia was out." Taehyung mentioned which made Jungkook chuckle. "Well, I guess I just like your presence." Jungkook grabbed the aux cord and plugged in his phone. "So you stole me from Jia?" Taehyung questioned and that made Jungkook snort as he turned his head to Taehyung. "Jia has you all the time. I'll be gone soon so it's acceptable." The sudden mention of Jungkook leaving soon made Taehyung's smile fall. "... You're leaving?" Taehyung said with a sad tone. "Can't stay forever, unfortunately," Jungkook mumbled.

"You could if you wanted," Taehyung said which was true, Jungkook could stay if he really wanted to stay. All Jungkook did was force a smile and nod though. Jungkook wanted to stay, he really did but he stayed long enough, or at least that's what his parents thought.

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