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"... You guys may not remember all the things you did but I do. I remember every little thing from the day I came out to you both. The looks, the mean words, the slurs, the hits, the judgement." Jungkook looked at his parents with eyes of disbelief. "You guys can't understand because you were the one calling me down, calling me crazy. Made me think I was crazy. You said things I will never forget and you did things! that again, I will never forget. Saying sorry- is one thing." Jungkook stopped because his voice cracked but he really didn't want to cry.

"Saying sorry is one thing but you can't take back what you did. What you left me with. The trauma you caused me. I almost killed myself countless of times because of you guys! But I kept going and I don't know why I did... I don't know how I always managed to pull myself back up but I did. I did everything without you both. Everything! I had to figure it all out on my own with no help!" Jungkook gulped then shook his head. "... I did it all on my own."

"I grew up with myself. I learned everything I know now because of me! I know how to survive because that's the only thing I knew how to do. I've been on survival mode ever since I ran away from that camp. I... I want to forgive you. Three years ago I would kill to have you guys say this to me but three years ago is long gone and so is the son you two took for granted. I tried. For years I tried but you guys never did and now that I'm passed that point in my life... you two want forgiveness? I don't know where you two will find that but it's not going to be from me."

Jungkook breathed out shakily. "Three years ago you didn't even consider me your son anymore but three years ago I was crying to Taehyung about how much I missed you guys. How much I wanted to feel being loved by you guys. How jealous I was because Jia had what I wanted! But I was happy for her because at least one of us had a great childhood. At least one of us had parents to love and hold her! At least she had parents! Now we're both adults, and you as parents... to me? Ended a long time ago. As grandparents to Jungwon though? Do better."

Jungkook clicked his tongue. "Do better because the job you did as parents? Was complete shit. For Jungwon, just do better because he's your second chance. I just hope he never finds out how homophobic his grandparents really were." Jungkook finished off with that. Now feeling like he said everything he needed to say. As for Jungkook's parents, they stood there watching their son walk off. They knew they did wrong... they just realized it too late. Jungkook did want to forgive and forget but he simply couldn't. That was too much to forgive and maybe one day he would but not now. Right now he didn't want to forgive them so easily.

Sitting on the couch, Taehyung watched Jungwon play cars with the remote for the tv and some other random objects. "Mommy mommy look!" Jungwon crashed the remote into a nearby and let his imagination take over. "So you filed for child support?" Taehyung asked after standing up once he saw Jungkook walk in. "Yep and I'm meeting up with him- with my lawyer present! To get him to sign the papers to give me full custody of him." Jia did a little dancey dance out of excitement for her and Jungwon who followed after what his mom did.

With a chuckle, Taehyung nodded and walked over to the front door where Jungkook was. "Everything alright?" Taehyung asked but Jungkook went in for a hug instead. Careful not to bump or move Taehyung's injured arm as he did so. "I hate them." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung. "But it hurts to hate them and I hate it." Jungkook nuzzled his nose against Taehyung's neck. The younger boy held Jungkook and lightly massaged his nape. "Whatever you did or said, I'm proud of you. Your past self is thanking you Jungkook. I just know it."

Jungkook sniffed and looked at Taehyung with a small smile. "My past self would hate me for not forgiving them." Jungkook told Taehyung who looked a little taken back by that but then he shrugged. "... Your past self was focused on the wrong thing. You were focused on getting your parents to accept you but you now... the you right now doesn't need the acceptance. You're moving on to bigger and better things. You got yourself here Jungkook, not them. Your future self is screaming in self love though. I can feel it."

Licking his lips, Jungkook kept his smile as he placed his hands on Taehyung's waist. "I love you." Jungkook told Taehyung who felt his heart flutter from the words. "So much Taehyung. I love you so fucking much." Jungkook pulled Taehyung in and placed a kiss on his forehead. A burning blush coming off Taehyung who smiled shyly. "...I love you too Jungkook." He kissed Jungkook's cheek. "So so damn much." he finished off and just before they could lean in for a kiss, Jungwon came running out of the living room.

"Uncle Kookie! Let's play cars!" The excited boy ran towards Jungkook who quickly wiped away his tears and looked down at Jungwon who grabbed his hand and started to pull him away. "Okay! Alright let's play cars." Jungkook chuckled while following Jungwon. Taehyung closely following behind as Jia then got up from the couch and approached Taehyung. Jungkook already seating himself on the floor with Jungwon who started to look through his mothers bag for his toys he brought along. "Shouldddd we get started on supper while our boys play cars?"

The sentence made Taehyung laugh but also coo. Our boys huh? That sounded really nice. "We should but I'm only there for support." Taehyung pointed at his arm and Jia was ready to retort against Taehyung but she decided against it. "Fine. I'll cook and you'll talk." She grabbed Taehyung's free arm and dragged him over to the kitchen. Since Taehyung's dad wasn't home today, Taehyung invited Jia and his new bestie Jungwon over for the day. Also because he figured Jungkook needed some family time, even if it was just Jia and Jungwon.

Throughout Taehyung and Jia cooking supper, or Jia cooking supper and Taehyung talking, they talked about Sungjae. As uncomfortable as it was for Taehyung, he needed to get it off his chest in which he did. Taehyung told Jia everything she needed to know. How controlling Sungjae was, how jealous and clingy he was. Everything was a red flag but Taehyung just couldn't find himself to be on his own- or he figured that was the reason. He was dumb for staying with Sungjae but even so, Jia had to crack in a joke. "At least I wasn't the only dumb one." She eyed Taehyung who scoffed. "You still are. Who's Jungwon's dad again?"

"You-" Jia held up her fist but stopped since Taehyung was already injured. "Oh yeah and who got shot?" Jia stuck out her tongue. "Who has to raise a child for 18 and more years?" Taehyung retorted quickly. "... I hate you." Jia pointed the spatula towards Taehyung who flipped his imaginary hair. "I know." He chuckled but that was dying down the moment Jungkook came into the kitchen with Jungwon right next to him. "Mommy! We hungry." Jungwon pulled at Jia's shirt. "Okay, food is almost done my love." Jia looked down at her little twin and cooed.

"Okay mommy." Jungwon walked away once he saw something else in the kitchen that caught his attention. "I'll have you know Taehyung, my days of drooling over men are over." She looked at Taehyung who raised an eyebrow along with Jungkook who was back hugging Taehyung. "If you're supposedly done drooling over men, then that means...?" Taehyung looked a little suspicious towards Jia who chuckled, grabbed out her phone and showed them both a picture. There the picture was of Jia and another brunette. "Kim Ye-rim but I call her Yeri."

Swiping through the pictures, Jia looked very proud to be showing off Yeri to Taehyung and her brother who were shocked. "What?!" Taehyung swiped through the photos. "When?! What?! When?!" Jungkook looked shocked at Jia who laughed at their reaction. "Well- I didn't think I was into girls at all. Yeri is one of Jungwon's daycare teachers. I met up with her when I was grocery shopping and we kind of just... hit it off. I didn't consider my feelings for her until six? months later though so." She shrugged.

"And you're dating her now?" Jungkook asked in a rush. Wanting to know when the hell his sister started dating a girl! Which was honestly really cool for Jungkook. He didn't see this coming at all. Along for Taehyung too, he was quite shocked by Jia's news. "We're taking it slow. Since you know... I have a kid and all." Jia grabbed her phone away. "Jungwon only knows her as his teacher but she's slowly starting to come around my place. It's a working process, like you two." Jia shut off the stove and started draining the food.

"Like us?" Taehyung questioned although he was very happy from Jia's news. "Yeah, you two. Aren't you two a working process? Or are you two together like... officially?" Jia asked the two boys who looked at each other. Both boys didn't know what to say so Jungkook spoke up. "It's a working process. Taehyung just... went through something and I'm still in the process of... I don't know. A lot of things. But we'll be official. Not right now but we will be." Jungkook sounded determined as he spoke which made Taehyung smile like crazy. God he loved Jungkook.

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