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And Taehyung did love it there after a month of knowing and living in Ilsan. It wasn't as huge as Seoul and that was the best part of it for Taehyung. Also once he got to know the places and the people in Ilsan he just grew to love it more. Plus being on his own /kind of/ was such a big part of him liking where he was in life. Kind of being Sungjae being with him since the moment they got off that bus. Although Taehyung only wanted to bunk with Sungjae for a small amount of time, they figured it would help them both out if they just roomed together and so that was the plan.

It wasn't a bad plan. After a month of bunking with Sungjae, Taehyung got a job as a busboy which was great. Taehyung loved being a busboy but the pay was shit. He didn't have to talk to customers much and also he was always in his small bubble but the pay wouldn't pay his bills and self needs and so he moved onto cashier- which was only a dollar or two higher but a job was a job and if it helped him get all his things then okay, great. That dollar or two really helped though since Taehyung and Sungjae were planning on a two-bedroom apartment.

Sungjae was going to school for business so he wasn't home a lot of the time but his family did help him with money a lot of the time so if Taehyung didn't have the money yet, Sungjae would help out, and that led to the year they lived together. Was it preventable for them to gain feelings for each other? No... no, not really. They were together all the time and even before the year hit Sungjae was hinting towards Taehyung who didn't want that but eventually it just... happened?

They just worked better together? Taehyung just felt safer around Sungjae and Sungjae was overall just a better person around Taehyung so it worked out between the two. The first couple of months Taehyung was rather quiet about what happened back in Seoul but then they went out and had a couple of drinks and well- Taehyung spilled everything to Sungjae. Sungjae even cried to Taehyung about how Jungkook stole him away which honestly made Taehyung laugh.

Then they both laughed at how fucked up they both were. That was a real bonding moment for them both. Even after that Sungjae comforted Taehyung with comforting words which helped since Taehyung was still hung up on Jungkook who may he mention, didn't call Taehyung or anything yet Taehyung was still constantly thinking about him. Until that night Sungjae leaned in for a kiss and Taehyung let Sungjae do so. At first, it was because Taehyung just wanted to move on but the second Sungjae kissed him, he liked it. A lot... but they didn't do anything about it.

Until a year hit and they got drunk again or well- Sungjae got drunk and Taehyung was tipsy but all the feelings were confessed and by morning, they were waking up next to each other as a couple. It was weird for Taehyung at first considering it was his first relationship ever but it made it weirder when he started to think about Jungkook because... well... he always thought Jungkook would be his first boyfriend and he knew it was wrong to think about Jungkook all of a sudden right after getting with Sungjae but it was just the sadness of the past consuming him.

Though Taehyung got over that quickly once the days started passing and eventually they were celebrating their first year together and the second year of living together. The second-year though... was different from the first year of them being together. Taehyung found out how insecure and jealous Sungjae could get which wasn't bad at first. They used communication most of the time but when Taehyung made a friend that he got close to pretty quickly- Sungjae got worse with his insecurities and jealousy.

Some days they wouldn't talk, some days they would argue until they fell asleep. It was the worst of the relationship Taehyung thought so and he was right, right? Every couple had bad days but what happens when the bad days were every single day? Just because Taehyung wanted to have his own life? It sucked and every time he tried to voice his opinions Sungjae would play the victim. So Taehyung suggested they take a break.

Did that end well? No. Not at all but Sungjae did come back and agree to take that break. This brings them here, "You should've broken up with him while you had the chance." Namjoon, Taehyung's new friend that Sungjae got jealous over spoke up while he watched Taehyung pack up. "I- Namjoon. I told you I don't want to break up with him. He's a good guy, he really is. It's just... insecurities." Taehyung tried to convince Namjoon who scoffed.

"Insecurities and straight-up lack of trust in you are two different things." He raised an eyebrow as Taehyung stared at Namjoon but looked away and ignored Namjoon. "Look I get it. He's your first relationship but sometimes the first relationship doesn't work out. They always never work out so why stay with someone who-" Namjoon stopped talking when Taehyung placed a box in front of him. "He was the only person I had." Taehyung sighed as he then pushed the box aside.

"When I left home. I chose to leave everything and everyone behind. Though he was there. When I got on the bus, he was there. When I was looking for a place to stay, he was there. Namjoon... he never gave up on me." Taehyung told Namjoon who still had the same expression. "So you're staying with him because you feel you need to stay with him?" Namjoon tried to put the pieces together but Taehyung didn't even know anymore. "I? I... I don't know! Okay, shut up. Help me with these bags."

Namjoon dragged out a sigh as he then went to help Taehyung with the couple of bags he had packed. "And you're even following him to Seoul. You're like a puppy Taehyung." Namjoon went on and on about Taehyung and Sungjae but Taehyung didn't listen. Honestly, it wasn't even about Sungjae that he was going to Seoul. Yes, Sungjae got an apprenticeship at Seoul for a couple of weeks to get into the workforce but Taehyung wanted to see what changed. Plus if he stayed in Ilsan he knew Sungjae would be on his ass about who he was with and etc.

Did it make it any better than Namjoon was going with Taehyung though? Probably not but he was technically single, right? So Sungjae couldn't control him. Plus Namjoon is just a friend. The first friend he's had since Jia so no fucking shit he was always around Namjoon. Having a guy friend who relates to him was so much better than having Jia complain about her boy toys every now and then- not that it wasn't fun. Taehyung still missed that but he grew from that. It's been three years... and yes he still thinks of her but she outed him.

Taehyung wasn't even mad about that. It was the fact that Jia didn't give him time to explain himself. She didn't even want to listen and that hurt because if Taehyung was in her shoes he would want to know why. What was the reason but she completely shut him out so... it is what it is huh? "Sorry Joon, we can't take your bike to Seoul." Taehyung joked around although he was serious. "Ha ha, funny." Namjoon got into the passenger seat. Taehyung laughing to himself since he knew Namjoon couldn't drive and so Namjoon always had his stupid bike with him everywhere he went.

"I'm gonna miss my sidekick." Namjoon held his hand over his chest just thinking about leaving his bike behind. "You're such a loser." Taehyung started up the car and shook his head. Thinking about going back to Seoul made Taehyung's hands clam up but the thought of possibly bumping into Jia made him nervous than ever. How would she look? What has she been up to? Did she remember Taehyung? Or even acknowledge Taehyung?.. well, he hoped he wouldn't have to find out.

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