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The next time Taehyung saw Jungkook was two days later when Taehyung decided to go see Jia but came to find out that she was out with her parents and so he thought the house would be empty and he could wait for Jia but before he could even look for the spare key, he checked the door that was unlocked and walked in since there was no need for the key anymore. Though as soon as Taehyung slipped off his shoes, in came Jungkook with a bat ready to swing until he stepped back after noticing it was Taehyung who flinched and already had the door open so he could run until he too realized it was Jungkook.

"What the fuck?!" The two spoke in usion which freaked them both out as Jungkook lowered the bat and sighed. "Okay. Alright, you need to learn how to knock. I just about knocked your ass out Taehyung." Jungkook walked over to the door, shut it and locked it as Taehyung scoffed. "Excuse me? You should have locked the door. Who leaves the door open like that? That's like a welcoming sign to every serial killer ever." Taehyung said back to Jungkook who put away the bat and looked at Taehyung, "Are you saying you're a serial killer cause... we'll have a problem."

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung nudged Jungkook who smiled and watched Taehyung walk up the stairs. "I'll be in the guest room." Taehyung said as he walked up the stairs. "Correction, my room." Jungkook said while at the bottom of the stairs. "... Then I'll be in your room?" Taehyung shrugged as he then heard stomps behind him and before he could reach the room, Jungkook stood in front of the room. "It's dirty." Jungkook said as he stood his ground. "Okay?" Taehyung questioned while looking at Jungkook who nodded and shooed Taehyung away.

Though Taehyung stood his ground as well. "This is technically my room too. I claimed it the moment your sister brought me home." Taehyung raised an eyebrow as Jungkook laughed but it was cut off by a sharp intake of breath. "Yeah and now the owner of the room is back home so, my bedroom, my rules." Jungkook kept his smug smile although the room really was dirty and... well, his playboy maganize was right on the bed so he wasn't going to have another awkward situation with Taehyung although it wasn't awkward for him, but it would be for Taehyung.

Did Taehyung let Jungkook convince him to turn around? No. At first Taehyung turned around and pretended to walk away but the moment Jungkook was away from the door, Taehyung ran towards the room and got the door open but by that time Jungkook had picked up Taehyung and put him over his shoulder. "Woah!" Taehyung grabbed onto Jungkook's shoulder although half of his body was against Jungkook's back. "Okay muscle man! Unhand me!" Taehyung slapped Jungkook's back as the boy closed the door to his room. "Not with that attitude."

Jungkook held Taehyung's legs and took him down the stairs. "Jeon Jungkook!" Taehyung complained the whole time until he was being put down on the couch but it was more like Jungkook just flung him onto the couch but it wasn't that harsh. "You can hangout here. Jia should be back in an hour or so." Jungkook grabbed the remote and tossed it towards Taehyung who sighed. "It's a family thing isn't it? Shouldn't you be with them anyway?" Taehyung suddenly asked since he didn't get why Jungkook was still home when Jia said it was a family thing.

"Yeah well I'm not their family." Jungkook said as he sat on the opposite couch. "... But you and Jia look exactly alike." Taehyung said with a confused look. Thinking Jungkook was adopted but that was quickly dismissed as Jungkook figured out what Taehyung meant by that. "Oh- no no we're siblings. Those are my parent's, unfortunetly but I'm not actually family to them. I'm just Jia's brother." Jungkook said without any emotion although he didn't know how to explain it so he just shrugged it off like it was nothing but to Taehyug that was really sad.

"But you're their kid. Their oldest kid, first born. I mean-" Taehyung sat back and scratched at his temple. "Shouldn't parents include all their kids?" Taehyung asked and he genuinely wanted to know this since he's an only child. He got why his parents gave him so much attention and all because he was an only child and he thought Jia could understand that too and well- I guess she does considering their parents don't include Jungkook? It truly confused Taehyung. "Parents should always include all their kids. My parents though?" Jungkook shook his head.

"Let's not get too into that though. Don't wanna make you cry with my sad story." Jungkook pouted out his lip to imitate Taehyung who scoffed, looked away and side eyed Jungkook who laughed. "I can still see you Taehyung." Jungkook mentioned so Taehyung gave Jungkook a quick finger although Jungkook's loud gasp made him panic. "Ouch, Taetae. Really, ouch." Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked back at his phone but with a smirk, he looked at Taehyung for a second. "... I can still see you Jungkook." Now it was Taehyung's turn.

"Oh, can you? Can you also see this?" Jungkook said while digging in his pocket. Taking a while before he brought his hand out of his pocket and gave Taehyugn a finger before it turned into a finger heart. "I'm not a hater like you." Jungkook flipped his nonexistent long hair. Taehyung laughing at Jungkook. "You're so... I don't know. Fun." Taehyung hummed as his laughter died down. "How so?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head to the side. "I don't know. You're just fun to be around. Oddly. Like you're a asshole but a funny asshole." Taehyung nodded with his words.

"Funny asshole? Does mommy and daddy know you're saying such words Taetae? I bet they'd-" Jungkook stopped once a pillow was being thrown at him. "Shut up Jungkook. You- You're such a pain." Taehyung rolled his eyes and laid on the couch before the pillow was thrown back at him. "Make me." Jungkook stuck his tongue out but it was at the side of his mouth as it then slid across his upper lip. Raising his eyerbrow as Taehyung only stared at him. "That's what I-"

Jungkook shut up the moment Taehyung stood up and ran over with the pillow. Pushing the pillow into Jungkook's face. "That's what huh? huh? Can't speak when theres a pillow suffocating you!" Taehyung pushed the pillow against Jungkook face more as Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's wrist and pulled Taehyung's arms away from the pillow so it dropped. "Weak. Very weak." Jungkook shook his head since his hair was a mess now because of Taehyung who tried to hit Jungkook but his arms were still being held by Jungkook.

"What do you expect from me? Do I give off the hulk vibes? Do I look green Jungkook?" Taehyung spoke which was honestly out of panic since Jungkook was fairly close to him but at the same time Jungkook having a grip on him scared him a bit since he was stronger. "Well no but I expected more from someone who beat up a guy." Jungkook twisted Taehyung around, let go of his arms and pushed Taehyung away. "Hey! No fair. I was drunk and fuming. I could beat Akio for days. You on the other hand? No thanks, I'll pass." Taehyung fell back onto the couch.

"Good. Wouldn't wanna dent your pretty face or anything." Jungkook sat up on the couch since he had slipped down quite a bit. ... Pretty face? Did Jungkook just... call Taehyung pretty? Or maybe it was supposed to be an insult? Then again what kind of insult was that? No- wait- Taehyung couldn't even think it over as his face started to burn up. At the same time though, Jungkook could hear a car pulling up which made him stand up and look out the window to see his sister and parents getting out. "They're back." Jungkook spoke out loud for Taehyung to hear.

There Jungkook quickly cleaned the living room and went to unlock the door before he hurried upstairs. All while Taehyung watched and once Jia came through the doors with her parents who were laughing with her, Taehyung couldn't help but feel sad for Jungkook. Did he just... did Jungkook go hide from his parents? "Tae!" Jia noticed Taehyung and put her bags down as she ran over to Taehyung who forced a smile. "Hey!... took you long enough." Taehyung scoffed as he then waved at Jia's parents who waved and left to the kitchen. It was so weird to think Jia's parents neglected Jungkook but they looked so nice and loving. Guess people could put up a good act huh? Which sucked... it really did but there was nothing that could be done.

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