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On Saturday night, Nolan came to meet me at the movie theater.

"Oh, he's here," Ashley said, breaking off from the conversation we were having about movie snacks.

Excited, I whirled around faster than you could ask 'who'.

There was only one person she could be talking about, anyway.

"Hi," my boyfriend said, looking handsomer than ever in a denim jacket I'd never seen him in.

It was fully open, showing the V-neck cut black T-shirt he had on underneath. It went well with the gray jeans and black sneakers he was wearing. I bit back a smile when I realized he had on the navy-blue snapback cap I'd gotten him.

The ensemble was pretty simple, all things considered, but he looked so, so good.

"Alright, we'll get going now." Derek's voice sounded far away.

My eyes couldn't drink in the sight before me enough. He cleaned up way too nice.

Nolan looked good normally, but I'd never seen him in anything other than a black hoodie and jeans. Well, apart from the time he lent me his hoodie when it rained in the forest, that is, and I barely got to take in the sight because I was too preoccupied with the rain.

"See you tomorrow!" That was Ashley's voice.

"Have fun, guys," I heard Melissa say.

Still focused on Nolan, I gave them an absent wave. "Later."

"Where are you going?" Nolan asked them.

"To the arcade! See ya!"

"What?" he said.

I was still staring at him with my mouth slightly agape. Closing it felt impossible.

"Where's your hoodie?" I managed to voice out.

Nolan shot me a weird look. "It's in my room. Why? Should I have brought it?"

"I-I mean, why aren't you wearing it?"

He just didn't get it! Nolan without his hoodie was like me without my hair. Sure, it was still me, but I would look totally different.

"Because I'm already wearing another jacket?" He gestured at the one currently on him.

"That's not—I mean—you always wear a black hoodie," I said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that I don't have any other clothes," he said, still eyeing me in obvious confusion. "So ... I'm not even going to get a 'hi'?"

"Oh." Warmth enveloped my face. "Sorry. Hi, Nolan."

An uncertain smile crossed his face. "I don't look that bad, right? I thought I looked okay."

"'Okay'? You look hot," I blurted out.

Immediately, my hands flew up to cover the sides of my face.

"No," I moaned, looking towards a nearby promotional poster. "Please tell me I didn't just say that. I didn't, right? Right?"

"Sorry, you did," he said.

I groaned some more at the amusement in his voice. He didn't sound sorry at all.

I turned my gaze back to him with great reluctance. To my surprise, Nolan looked less entertained than he looked pleased. Although I'd seen his face reflect a lot of different positive emotions, it was my first time seeing this expression on him.

It wasn't quite the same as affection, which I regularly saw on his face.

Right now, he just looked happy.

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