Attachments (15k reads)

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AN: aaaahhh we've hit 15k reads!! thank you guys so much for all your support, i'm so thankful for the love you've given my story :'D here's something I wrote for my 15k milestone! it's in Nolan's POV, and it takes place two years before the start of YASTMT. sorry for not updating on Friday, i couldn't finish writing in time :( Monday's update will proceed as usual though of course! hope you enjoy!

Nolan's thoughts aren't very happy, just a slight warning. i tried not to be too dark with that but yeaaah bear that in mind before reading!

note: i reworked my story timeline and edited the necessary parts in my previous chapters. Nolan transferred to Fairwood Academy a little over a year ago, not two years ago.


Two years ago

Kicking away a stray tree branch that had the misfortune to land in front of his feet, Nolan watched as it easily flew several yards away from him. He scowled down at his mud-soaked sneakers, the result of trudging through the forest despite the raging storm.

He ignored the howling of the wind as he stalked past the swaying trees around him.

The need to scream continued scratching desperately at the blank mess that was his mind.

He pushed his thoroughly dampened fringe out from his forehead and wiped across his eyes with the back of his hand. The water didn't bother him, but he wished it did.

He'd spent the whole day cooped up in his room again, unable to take one step out of it.

His father hadn't even bothered to speak a single word to him today.

Another fresh wave of rage crashed over him, and Nolan shoved down the caution that had always been a large presence in his mind. What did he care if he was being indiscreet? It wasn't like his father was being all that discreet about his lack of involvement in his own son's life.

Falling to a squat, he clutched at his head and screamed out all of his emotions.

Frustration, fear, fury—they were all the same to him these days.

His vocal cords, which were already rusty from disuse, were left aching and sore. He pushed out another scream to relieve the heaviness in his mind, but all that came out was a hoarse squeak. His voice was done.

He spotted a flash of lightning several feet away and laughed humorlessly.

If only it had hit him.

He wasn't sure it would've made a difference.

The harsh rain pelted mercilessly down on him. The pain from the impact almost felt good. Despite the thoroughly drenched state that he was in, he refused to entertain the thought of returning to the quiet safety of his room.

This place—this large green expanse, where only animals lived—was his one small freedom.

Slowly, he got up and began walking towards the dense gathering of trees a little ahead of him.

A slow stroll under the tree canopies was the only activity he could really engage in since there was no chance of viewing the stars tonight.

As he walked, thoughts of his latest Algebra assignment swam to the fore of his mind. Out of all the useless subjects his tutor was teaching him, he hated Algebra the most.

Ironically, he had nothing better to do during the day except read his textbooks and work on his assignments. Every time he stopped working, Eri's bright smile swarmed his thoughts.

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