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I looked up from the book in my lap and let out a small yawn.

Next to me on the bleachers, Ashley flipped a page of the novel I had recommended to her.

"Sleepy?" she asked.

"No, I'm fine."

Immediately following the argument we'd had in the dining hall a few weeks ago, Ashley and the others had been somewhat apologetic and subdued in their interactions with both me and Nolan. They had promptly gone back to treating him—and me—normally, albeit with tentativeness.

I could tell that they were ashamed that they'd been getting on his case so much for a medical condition that he'd wanted to keep personal, and their awkward behavior around him reflected that.

Over the past week, the meekness had finally left their speech and actions, and they'd gone back to treating him normally.

I realized that the explanation he'd given them didn't quite cover why he was so sleepy in the daytime and occasionally went off on his own during lunch period, but they hadn't started asking questions about that so far. I figured that we'd worry about it when it actually happened.

Right now, Nolan was on the basketball court with Derek and the others, filling in an empty position since one of their friends couldn't make it today. I had tagged along so that Nolan would be more comfortable knowing that I was here. Since she didn't have any other plans apart from finishing the novel that she was halfway through, Ashley had decided to accompany me on the bleachers.

After successfully stealing the ball from another guy, Nolan shot a layup. The ball went in without touching the rim of the basketball hoop. I sat up in my seat.

"Nice shot, Nolan!" I called out.

Now that I thought about it, I was basically here to be his personal cheerleader, albeit one that sat instead of standing.

He whirled around at the sound of my voice, and I flashed a thumbs-up at him. He grinned at me.

Melissa, who was standing behind him, sighed but didn't say anything. She'd wanted to pick Nolan to be on her team, but Derek had gotten to him first. To his credit, however, Derek didn't gloat at Melissa's disheartened demeanor.

"It's such a nice evening," Ashley said, causing me to look over at her. "It's so cold in here. I almost want gloves."

"I love the rain when I'm indoors," I agreed.

The heavy downpour outside had started not long ago. We could hear the howling of the wind and the gushing of the rain all the way from inside the gym.

Someone called for a water break, so everyone came off the court towards the bleachers, where they'd dumped their stuff near us for safeguarding.

Nolan and I shared a smile when he got close enough to grab his bag, which he had placed on the seat next to mine. Getting his water bottle out of it, he shifted it aside so that he could sit beside me.

I watched with fascination as a bead of sweat rolled down from his hairline to the side of his cheek. It slid down his jawline and dripped from his chin. Even sweating, Nolan looked cool as a cucumber as he drank slowly from his bottle.

Compared to the rest of them, he was barely displaying any signs of exertion.

Once he was done guzzling water, Derek let out a satisfied sigh.

One of the guys—I remembered his name as Justin—turned to Nolan, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Seriously, man, you don't even look tired," he said. "I can't believe you're only playing for fun."

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