The Family reunion

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Harry was learning the Patronus charm and the bogart was released and 2 people came out.

Let's see what happens.


Remus is standing in front of me.

"Who are you?"Remus asked.

"Have you forgotten your best friends Moony? We are James and Lilly Potter." said the man/my dad?.

Those were my parents' names what is happening here I thought my parents were dead.

"James and Lily Potter died 12 years ago on Halloween protecting their son. Now, who are you actually?" said Remus.

"What?!!" said my mom and dad.

"If you are truly James and Lilly, then James turn into Prongs and Lily cast a Patronus." 

Both of them did as they were told and then Remus and I both stood there in shock.

Remus hugged them.

I can't believe that both of my parents were alive, that meant I could have a family that actually cared about me.

Remus went out of the hug and my mom saw me standing there in awe.

"James do you see that boy, he looks just like you but with my eyes?" my mom said.

"That is your son, Harry, and your right he looks exactly like you 2," Remus said.

I ran to them and gave them a huge hug. They hugged me back and said, "We love you" and I said, "I love you too mom and dad."

"I can't believe you're here, how??"

"We don't know but let's go ask Dumbledore," mum said.

They put on a disillusion charm and we start to go to Professor Dumbledor's office. We stop in front of Griffendor's common room.

"Don't you go to bed, we'll go to Dumbledor's office," Remus said.

"Fine," I said.



Sorry, I haven't posted I've been busy with summer camp but I promise I'll try to post more before school starts.

Please don't forget to like and vote.

See you later.

P.s I'll probably post the next part today or tomorrow so stay tuned.

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