At Dumbledore's office

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James' pov

I can't believe how big my son is, and that I have been dead for 12 years. I missed the early years but I'm not going to miss the rest. I promise him that.

After we drop harry off at the Gryffindor common room We go to Dumbledor's office. We knock on the door and he said to come in so we went in. He had a look of pure shock.

He said, "James, Lilly is that really you, it can't be how?"

"Don't know that's what we were hoping to ask you," Lilly said.

"Do you mind if I use a truth potion first?" he said.

"Of course not," me and Lilly said.

I went first and drank the potion.

"What is your full name?"

"James Fleamont Potter."

"What is your full name?" he said to Lilly.

"Lilly Marie Potter, but my maiden name was Evans.

"It's really you, I can't believe it. Remus, go and get Harry and tell him to bring his stuff for a week," he says.

Remus leaves and comes back a few minutes later with Harry.

"Why did you me to bring stuff for a week professor?" Harry said.

"Because I'm letting you skip classes for a week to spend time with your parents," Dumbledore said.

"Ok yay!"

"So Harry how is it living with your godfather, Sirius?" I say as we leave Dumbledore's office.

"Whose Sirius? I live with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Dursley," he said.

"What?!! you went to live with my awful sister! Where is Sirius?" Lilly said.

"Ummm... I have something to tell you guys, Sirius went to Azkaban because he betrayed you the night you died." Remus said.

"No, he didn't, we switched secret keepers to Peter because Sirius was the obvious choice," I said.

"That means he has been convicted of a crime that he never committed? I bet you he didn't kill peter either he must have cut his finger and transformed into his animagus. We have to go and tell Dumbledor" Remus said.

We went back and told Dumbledore what happened and he said that he would tell the minister tomorrow. I can't believe Fudge is the minister.

Harry, Lilly, and I go to Hogsmead.

"We are going to apparate to Godric's Hollow to get our wands and then we will go to the Potter Manor. Come Harry you can side apparate with me," I say.

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