The Devil You Don't

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"Difeh, grab that damn thing for me!" An'gole yelled at the first of his four wives.

He rubbed his distended stomach leisurely, though he didn't require it, he ate seven course meals four times a daily and never tired of the delectable morsels his third wife Meijla made him.

"Hello," Difeh said, her voice almost a whisper. "An'gole is terribly busy now. Please call for him again later."

"First wife," Venya said as she tapped on the view screen, "I must speak to An'gole now, it is time sensitive and important."

"I will ask him, please wait." she replied with a nod, retreating to another room.

"Damn women!" An'gole growled.

Venya could hear the sound of a smack, followed by the sound of quiet sobbing as An'gole's portly form came into view.

"Sir!" Venya exclaimed, "I have important news that is most urgent."

"Yes, yes. Out with it, you old crow!" he said sitting down with a wheeze.

"Sir, in two days time the All-father will be meeting with the rebel leader. You must come right away!" she chirped excitedly. "This is the perfect opportunity to put your plan into effect."

"Kitchiki, Meijla and I will be there soon, make sure things are ready for us. The others will come later." he waved dismissively.

"Our agreement remains the same right?" she asked meekly.

"Yes, of course. I will allow you to become my sixth wife," he said with a fake smile.

"Sixth? But I thought-"

An'gole terminated the call before she could say anything else.

"Women come!" he called out.

"Yes dear husband," his wives said, as each silently ran into the room, heads bowed and hands clasped behind their backs.

"Second wife, third, you will come with me to Capital-NAM," he said, pointing his fattened finger in their faces. "Difeh, you will stay here with your sister until she bears my son and then you will bring her and my children to join us when I have finished taking over."

"Of course, dear husband," Difeh said inclining her head further.

"No more of that." he commanded sternly. "I am the new All-father and I expected to be addressed as such."

"Yes, All-father." Difeh said stiffly, fearing to move in the event that she would once again feel his ire.

"Well what are you waiting for?" he yelled, "Go pack my things, we leave in fifteen minutes."

They turned to leave but Difeh sighed inwardly when he stopped her.

"Yes, dea- All-father," she said, catching her mistake before it was fully realized.

"I am aware of your mental state. Before your parents convinced me to marry your sister, they told me it might help you to have her near. Believe me no other man- certainly not one fit to be a ruler would ever do that for you as I have. So that poison you were attempting to obtain, get rid of it. As my favorite and first wife, you will be expected to stand behind me and my sons when I take control of this world." he grabbed her chin roughly and pulled her in as close as his mass would allow. " Do you understand?"

"Yes," she replied, nodding as much as her captured chin would allow.

"Yes what?" he screamed as he threw her to the floor.

"Yes, All-father.," she whimpered.

"Good. I expect to see you, your sister and my sons with me as soon as my son is born. I have a good feeling about this one, name him after me." with that he walked from the room with his second and third wives close behind, carrying the heavy bags of luggage with them.

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