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James looked at the failing light as the sun sank behind the horizon, welcoming the delegates of the cities around the world. He had gathered them all in one place for some most exciting news. News of the future, and news of their fates.

"Ladies, gentlemen, please take your seats," he said looking out at his under-rulers as their hair and eyes started to shimmer in the dwindling fire of the day, "The future has tried to thwart our attempts, time and time again, to survive and to thrive but today, today we have won a great victory. My newest soon-to-be Alpha Team has secure enough crystals for us to survive for the next five years.

This also means, we will be able to set our teams toward a more current pressing matter: eradicating forces of the resistance. I have been working toward setting up future operations for acquiring and growing our own resources so we can set our mind to the task of eliminating any remaining opposition and keeping our chattel sedate. I surmise in the next year things could be running and self-sufficient which means we will only have to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labors with minimal involvement."

There were a few scattered claps as a glimmering platter was brought the head of the table piled high with the crystals Ophelia and Orion had procured. James grabbed a large mallet and held it high before swinging it over his head. A single crystal shattered like glass hanging suspended in the air for a moment before spinning around like it was caught in a maelstrom.

James took a deep breathe inhaling the particles like a glittering smoke. Immediately his eyes took on a bright fiery blue and his skin became darker than the blackest ink.

Ophelia and Orion watched from the back of the room, trying not to let their surprise betray them. He was just like the aliens in the future. Why were they fighting themselves? Ophelia nudged Orion with her foot lightly, he only cleared his throat and reset his stance, warning her not to react to anything she saw or heard. He was stronger than she was, when she was startled out of her astonishment and brought to the front stage, and James began to speak once again.

"This is going to be our newest team." he said gesturing to them both, "Alpha Omega. The very first to infiltrate and start taking out members of this terrorist organization know as The Free. Ophelia, Orion, he said looking at both of them. You can drop your charade."

Neither of them moved.

He made a twirling motion with his hand and the ranking members started to leave the room swiftly, followed by their personal guards and other detail.

"Please sit," he said, not waiting for their compliance as he continued. "Now, I have been keeping an eye on the both of you for sometime and have started to slowly cure you from the terrible disease that has ravaged your world. This must be kept utterly secret because the resistance has tried to destroy all advancements we've made toward a cure.

Unfortunately, while you were on mission, a portion of that rebel group managed to destroy the warehouse where we kept all the available cure and much of our research was set back years. This means that you are our only hope to save this world from the future. For purposes you already know well, any missions we make toward removing these rebel terrorists, must be taken on by an undercover team. If you were on tabs it would be too conspicuous, but since you have undergone the first rounds of the cure we created, you won't need them. For now, your training will continue as planned, and your missions for the next few weeks will be arriving in the future to accept shipments and bring them back with Alpha Team.

Your quarters have also been changed to private quarters on the third floor of the Team building, and I'm sure in your cured state you would like to celebrate your... 'promotion' so I will call over as soon as we're done here and have all the teams tabbed so you can celebrate properly with them. Do you have any questions?"

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