Make-up is a pain (2) MSWL

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Kurts POV

Ok, so she wasn't an angel but trust me, she looked pretty close.

Her deep green eyes were secretive and contrast beautifully with the bright red color of her hair. She was wearing it up and out of her face. I noticed how she had some scraches and marks on the fair skin of her face and wondered how she got them. She was wearing dark blue jeans, a voilet holister hoodie and black converse.

"Come on Claire! There is always the posibility that she won't!" Brenda said in a whiney voice.

"Yeah I know but thats about a 1/100 chance. A chance that I can't take! Plus, I dont want anything to happen to Sophie."

Brenda nodded and gave Claire a comforting hug.

"Don't worry, two more years and you and Sophie can get out of that place. I really wish that my parents would just give in. Why do they have to be so mean?"

"Brenda, your parents already have you and your brother to take care of. And as you said, Sophie and I only have a little less than two years to go. So, don't worry about it."

"Fine" Brenda said crossing her arms.

They both shut their lockers and turned around to see me looking at them. I quickly turned to face my locker but not before Brenda came up.

"Hey! Are you new?" she asked.

"Yep, just starting today." I said nodding my head.


She turned to Claire.

"This is my best friend Claire, and I'm Brenda. It's nice to meet you." She said sticking out her hand in my direction.

"It's nice to meet you too." I shook hands with her and then turned to Claire to shake with her too.

She just stood there looking at my hand before shaking her head. I looked at Brenda with curious eyes asking what was going on.

"Um, Claire doesn't really talk to anyone that she isn't close friends with. Such as me and Luke."

"Oh" I said smiling in Claire's direction. Maybe I could become her friend and she would talk to me too!

"Well I'm Kurt and it was nice to meet you two. Now do you guys know where 314B is? It's my next class."

Brenda's eyes lit up as she talked. "Yea! It's our next class too! Why don't you just follow us?"

I nodded and gestured for them to lead the way.

I noticed that Claire walked nearest to the lockers the whole time and tried to stay as close to Brenda as possible.

What in the world is up with that girl?

Claires POV

As we walked down the hallway I tried to stay close to Brenda and not knock into anyone.

I had to put some make-up on my hands today so I didn't want to risk it coming off if I shook someones hand or bumped into them.

Kurt followed us to the door and then went up to the teacher as we took our seats.

"You know Claire, when we turned around he was just staring at you." Brenda said.

I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks and I looked down.

"Brenda, what did you say to Claire this time?!" Luke said exasperated, as he took his seat next to me.

"Nothing! There was just a guy that was staring at her earlier and I was just informing her about it! It that really so bad?" Brenda remarked defensivly.

Luke gave me a little hug and said "Brenda, you know that our little Claire is fragile and doesn't like stuff like that!"

Little did he know... I thought to myself. Luke did not know about the beatings but he did know about me and Sophie living in the orphanage.

Brenda came over and joined our little hug before the teacher cleared his throat and began to talk.

"Class, this is Kurt, he will be starting our school today so please treat him with respect as you do with eachother."

The class laughed at that because obviously we were a high school. No one treated anyone with respect here.

"Kurt, "he continued. "You may go sit infront of Ms. Claire. Then please turn your book to page 297 and read to page 304."

The class groaned and Kurt made his way to his seat infront of me.

"that is the guy!" I heard Brenda whisper to Luke as he sat down.

"Brenda..." Luke said warningly.

"Will you guys cut it out! I'm trying to get an education you know!" I said flicking them both on the arm.

I gasped as a little bit of my make-up came off of the ring finger of my left hand, exposing a big purple mark that I got when Ms. Denerson was grinding my hand into the ground with her heel.

"Ms. Claire is there something that you would like to share with the class?" the teacher asked.

I shook my head and pulled the sleeve of my hoodie over my hand so no one would see the mark.

Luke passed me a note with worry in his eyes.

What was that on your hand? What happened to you?

Oh no, I guess he saw it. I wrote back:

Nothing. Just forget about it. Please Luke.

How can I forget about something like that?! Please tell me!

Maybe some other day, but it's not likely.

Fine. Does Brenda know?

I hesitated on answering. If I told him yes then he would probably ask Brenda about it. Then again, it may be best to let her handle it, shes better at that kind of stuff than I am. But what if Brenda knowing and not him makes him feel bad! I don't want that to happen!

I made a quick desicion.

No she doesn't. Its a personal thing and it would be better if no one knew.

Ok but that doesn't mean that I am just going to leave it alone. That looked like a bruise, and a very bad one at that.

Luke please, just forget about it.

Claire I told you, I can't do that.

I sighed inside as I read it and then put it into one of my folders. I will throw it away later. I thought to myself as I started to read the chapter again.

I could see Luke sneaking worried glances at me from time to time so I poked him and then pointed at the book. Luckily none of the make-up cam eoff but I really have to be more careful today. I can't afford for anyone to know.

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