Chapter Four

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Sometimes Peter wondered why he even bothered to intereact with Flash, it was clear that neither of the two boys liked each other but lalety, for some reason, their teachers insisted on pairing them up for projects or forcing Peter and Ned to add Flash and any of his minions with them.

It was a nightmare.

For the school trip for Oscorp they had been divided in eight people groups, with his Parker luck he had ended up with Flash, Seymour O'Reilley, Tiny McKeever, Jason Ionello, MJ,Betty Brant  and Sally Avril (whom he was sure pretty much didn't rememeber about his existance despite having been inn the same class since kindergarten), and also two guys that were juniors and were supposed to "surpevise" them.

Who thought that it was a good idea to have teen watching over other teens?

Peter snorted because that was what Ben said when he told them who were in his group, also his uncle had been midly worried about Flash and three of his goons were going to spend all the day with him.

The young boy had just shrugged it off but he was also worried, their "supervisors" wouldn't be much help because they also made fun of him when Flash either punched him or made him trip over something.

He was sitting on a bench outside school while listening to Queen and waiting for Ned to arrive, he would at least try to enjoy his ride to Oscorp with his best friend.

"Hey Parker"  He heard MJ say while sitting next to him and scribbling something in her notebook.

"Hey MJ" 

There was an awkward silence, on his side, and he tried to come up with a topic but after a few seconds he decided to just sit in silence and the girl said without looking up "You know that you don't have to speak to me if you don't want to, I'm just drawing people in boredom" She showed him a drawing of Flash.

The brown haired boy almost laughed but he noticed that said boy was looking at them with suspicion and so he told MJ, she just shrugged and said "What's the worst that can happen? You have already been shoved into lockers and punched on the...dangerous zone"

He sighed and knew she was right but instead said "And you?"

"He is kinda afraid of my mom, she is ... a little bit scary"


After that the silence was deep but not as uncomfortable as before since Peter no longer felt as if he was obligated to make small talk with her, also Ned arrived afew minutes later and while the boy gave him a look that said "are we really sitting next to her?" he just sat between the two of them and offered them both a Kit-Kat.

Surprisingly, MJ accepted it so Peter felt as if he should accept it too; Ned seemed happy.

He could not wait for the trip to start.

Even if Flash was in his group.

Peter didn't know that the trip to Oscorp would change his life forever.



She was having them strongest headache in her life.

Her eyes hurt too and her ears were buzzing.

She tried to turn to her side to stand up but she found it far too painful to do so, then she breathed a few times before trying again...two times,  her body hurt too much and finally she sat on the bed she was left on.

Cheryl decided against opening her eyes though, they hurt far too much.

"Who are you?" Someone asked her, the voice was unknown to her and hearing it made her head buzz even more.

The redhead tried to turn her head to where the person who was talking to her was, or at least she thought that was.

"Who are you?" The person asked again.

It was a female.

When she had talked with Dilton, Jughead and freaking Sabrina  (when she had briefly dated her "current boyfriend's best friend) about posibilities of getting kidnapped, ending up in another dimension (she would have to ask the white-haired girl about that) or in another timeline (a question for that burger-eating monster) they decided that if that ever happened they would be ppretending to be dead if someone menacing was near them.

She would have liked to test their planned strategy but for the tone on that woman voice she decided against it, and propably she had seen her sit and it would be pretty clear that she was alive, but she wasn't sure about how to respond that question and she simply asked back "Who are you?"

The other woman snickered and said "Really? You are going to play this game?"

Cheryl knew that it would look ridiculous since she had her eyes still shut but she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as if challenging the woman.

"Well then" The other woman said after a huff "Too much for being nice"

The redhead cringed but tried to plaster her best smile on her face, she knew that Dilton would be nudging at her arm to get her to humble down but he wasn't with her and she would have to manage with her Blossom charm.



Oscorp was amazing and he was in total awe about the things he was seeing, from the moment he entered the main building he had known that the trip would be one of the most important moments in his life.

One of the many scientist that worked there was guiding them thorugh the tour, she was saying something about a research of radition on spiders and other insects; Peter of course had read some papers about radiation but they had been mostly about Gamma radiation and Dr. Bruce Banner.

And so he was trying to pay attention but Flash wasn't making things easy.

"Lame" The boy said while rolling his eyes "Who cares about these insects?"

"Why did you even came here?" Peter mutered but apparently it was loud enough for Sally Avril to hear.

"What did you say, Parker?" The girl asked quite menancingly, that girl was one of his other bullies despite having known each other for a long while.



Peter tried to take some photographs to the cages they were allowed and he didn't notice that a spider had broken free of its cage.

And so, he just felt a tiny pain on his hand and just said "Ouch" while he looked at the red dot that was forming on his hand.


So, of course this fic will be an AU or Canon Divergence so I'll be delaying some of the writing for a while since I want to binge all MCU movies that include Spiderman and some of the comics since I want to adapt some plot points that are important.

Anyway, thank you all for reading,voting and commenting on the story

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