It happened again

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OK so with everything sorted from the last chapter there has been no spam thankfully from the bots.

Vote results so far:

Eri's reaction to the mask:

Indifference: 4, Confusion: 1, initially scared but calms down: 2, likes it since its not a bird mask: 1

No changes to the suggested quirk swaps.

Chapter 3: It Happened Again

Izuku yawned behind his mask as he made a stop in at the grocery store on his way back home. He picked up a basket by the door as he headed for the Deli Section only to freeze at the sight before him. A thug with a shark head was holding up the butcher with a handgun made from section of pipe, rather common in the yakuza given ownership of weapons was heavily monitored. The middle aged butcher had pink hair tied up using a hair net and his raised hands were metallic, not as in blocky cybernetics but the hands were silver. Izuku began to panic, this was the second time he had been in this situation and judging by how little bodies there were meant that the butcher couldn't even use whatever his quirk was in self defence. Quietly Izuku slipped back and as quietly as he could made his way to the gardening section, after all if it worked when he was a kid, it should work again right?

Sadly the garden section of this store didn't have shovels, rakes, plows or even any tools, just seeds and bags of mulch. With a quiet and shaky sigh he carefully lifted one of the metal bars used to hang the seed packets away from the main shelf and back towards the Deli. The butcher was now putting the money from the register into a brown sack. Izuku mentally snorted, why did villains always play on tropes? With a swift swing across the back of the right knee the villain was downed and swiftly knocked out cold by the butcher who tossed the bag of coins at his face, slamming him square on the nose.

"Thanks kid." The butcher sighed softly as he came out from behind the counter. "Saved my ass there. You a hero in training or something or one of those vigilantes?"

"You're welcome and no, I just wanted to get some fish for dinner when I saw what happened." The greenette explained. "Where is everyone else?"

"They ran, bunch of cowards, I work with a guy who could generate a massive amount of wind, could of send this idiot flying." The man huffed as he jerked his thumb at the unconscious shark headed man. "I'll call the police, you stay here for now so that you don't get in trouble."

"Oh, uh thanks." Izuku blushed faintly.

"No probs, you looking to get into a hero school? My daughter Mei is taking the exams for the support class in two months at UA, said she didn't want to wait the eight months for the Hero exams." The man shrugged with a laugh as he dialled up the police.

[this is a time skip, I repeat this is a time skip]

The police station was busy, more so than usual. The shark headed thug who had robbed the grocery store apparently wasn't working alone. Several other stores had been robbed at the same time, each of them had a shark themed quirk of one kind or another. Great white teeth, hammer head well head, Shark like senses and even one who simply could talk to sharks had all robbed various stores and called themselves the Shark Bandits. They had all quickly been apprehended, it was only Izuku's luck that saw him dealing with the more dangerous one.

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