Logical Deception

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Just a quick forewarning, yes I am aware my writing can be a bit atrocious and long winded. I will happily go and admit English despite being the language I speak is not my strong suit, my forte is more in History as opposed to writing, however I do this as not only a hobby but to help with being bored. This story alone has already gone through several different versions before I settled on the current iteration. At one point I was just gonna have a Krieg Izuku from the 40k universe take down something with a vortex grenade and end up on earth, this was quickly scrapped once I realised how much death would happen mainly to the mutation and emitter quirk users. Another saw Izuku being a Cadian who was caught in the planet's fall (CADIA STANDS!) and ended up on earth while taking out a chaos sorcerer. Finally there was one where Izuku was a villain and was similar to this one, he just basically replaced Twice though.

Chapter 4: logical deception.

Izuku panted, his legs burnt and his feet blistering. This was his second week for his training to get into UA and it certainly wasn't easy. So far Eraserhead or Aizawa sensei as he demanded to be called had been keeping watch over him during the training. It was simple but gruelling, he had to make as many clones of himself as possible and carry them behind him on a sled of all things.

It wasn't even winter making it all the harder to actually accomplish his sled pull due to lack of snow. After that it was a run around the local park followed by 50 pushups and sit ups, from there Aizawa had the most evil thing planned.

"You got to be kidding me." Izuku deadpanned at he flatly glared at the hero.

"Get going or I stop helping." Aizawa snorted back as he handed Izuku a gas mask, rubbish bag and spade. The mask was a simple waste management PPE one with two filters that covered from the chin to the bridge of the nose with bright yellow filters. Ahead of them was an open door revealing the interior of what could only be described as a rancid garbage covered hellhole on an apartment building.

The green haired teen sighed softly as he fumbled with the mask, initially putting it on wrong before Aizawa corrected him before he took the shovel and bag.

"Not all hero work is glamorous or about fighting kid. This place is due for demolition" Aizawa stated bluntly as he pulled a juice pouch from somewhere and began to drink.

"I know but this?!" Izuku's now muffled voice sounded as they marched into what could only be described as a biohazard threat rather than the apartment block that it actually was.

"Well it was either this or taking the train to Degoba beach but someone is already sorting that mess out." Aizawa shrugged before gagging slightly and donning a similar mask to what Izuku wore. "Luckily your task isn't cleaning this mess."

"It's not?" Izuku asked in confusion as he glanced at the bag and shovel in his hands before quirking an eyebrow at his trainer.

"No, you just have those so your clones can have a copy each." Aizawa explained simply. "They'll clean for 50 minutes before they transfer everything to the skip bin out back before they turn to dust and you make more."

"So 50 minutes a clone, a building this size would have roughly forty apartments and it would take four people roughly an hour per apartment to completely clean, meaning it should take forty hours to clean everything if it was evenly spaced and optimal, given that the clones will only be working 50 minutes each then it would take atleast an extra four hours to get it done but there is also travel time between the floors plus I need to sleep, eat..." Izuku's muttering combined with the gas mask made it impossible to understand him making Aizawa roll his eyes at the green haired boy.

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