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📍 Ealdor

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📍 Ealdor

September, 503 AD

"Wait, wait, wait. You mean to tell me that Camelot is real?!" I excitedly asked Merlin as I followed him around the field, helping him carry the crops he was collecting. "Yes, have you not heard of it in the 21st century?" he answered with a question of his own, tilting his head at me. "Of course I've heard of it, you Neanderthal! But, as far as we know, it's just a legend. No one has been able to definitely prove its existence!" I explained, bouncing on my toes as I suddenly felt highly energised. "Who is the Nenanathal now?" he shot back with a teasing grin. "Neanderthal," I corrected. "You don't even know what a Neanderthal is! You don't even know about the theory of evolution!" I said and shoved him gently as I smirked. He frowned down at me in confusion. "Point made," I noted. 

I'd been staying with Merlin and Hunith for about four months. The kind woman pretty much took me in as if I were her own blood, which meant that Merlin and I got really close, developing an almost sibling-like bond. Setting aside the lack of indoor plumbing, electricity and refrigerators; life in the medieval village of Ealdor wasn't as bad as I initially thought it'd be. 

However, from what Merlin was just telling me, it looked like things were about to change drastically for us. His mom had long been contemplating sending him to freaking Camelot, as she has a close friend who lives there and is willing to become the boy's guardian. 

Not too long after my arrival in Ealdor, Merlin confessed to me that he has magic. Because that turned out to be real, too. Most people in the village know this and they are willing to keep his secret, though some are not too happy about it. But despite the laws against it, Merlin had been increasingly getting more reckless with the use of his gifts, and Hunith feared that he'd eventually be pulled towards the dark side; so she'd started pondering whether she should send her son to someone who could guide him in the world of sorcery. 

"I mean, I guess it'd be a fun experience for you. But what about me? Am I supposed to stay here? Who's gonna entertain me all day long? Surely not that asshat friend of yours!" I rambled on, fearing that my only friend would leave me alone in this strange land. "Will is not that bad," was his only reply in reference to his best friend since childhood – whom I had bad blood with. "He's a pervert! Not to mention condescending, cowardly, short-tempered..." I started listing until he cut me off by placing a hand on top of my mouth. I glared at him. "Okay, I get it. You do not like him," Merlin said. "Understatement," I mumbled when he finally allowed me to speak again. 


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