Chapter 46

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Mariska knew that Maya had ended up with them by chance, they had no idea of ​​expanding the family now but what had happened had happened because having her there next to her made the woman complete in some way as if she were an additional missing piece to the her happiness.

Maya looked so helpless and yet she was a small fighter who survived what a girl her age wouldn't even remotely imagine.

To wake Mariska from her thoughts is the phone that she starts ringing and to which she tries to answer promptly so as not to wake the little girl but without success. Mariska gestures for her to get back down and starts playing with her curls as she answers her phone.

The nurse from the children's school informed her that there had been a small accident and Raya was with her possibly with a fractured wrist.

"Hey cutie, we have to go to the kids' school because Raya had a little accident"

"Is she ok?"

"This is what we need to check" the woman replies with a wink at the girl and runs to put on a suit and give herself a hairdo.

After making herself presentable the woman helps the little girl in a set of Raya and picks her up and takes her to the taxi she had previously called.

Mariska hated receiving this kind of phone calls, she would have liked to have them always with her, under her eyes, but life is different and her children were growing up and she had to deal with this.

"I'm Mariska Hermann. I'm here because you called me for Raya"

"Mommy!" the woman hears the familiar voice calling.

The woman turns and sees her pale child walking towards her.

"What happened baby?"

"I smashed a volleyball!"

"I see it sweetheart. How many times have we said that you have to be careful?"

"A million?"

"Come here" the woman takes her in her arms and kisses her on the cheek "Your sister is waiting for us in the taxi, I'll take you to the doctor"

As the nurse had hypothesized, the child's wrist was in plaster but something had turned out from the scan and she asked Mariska to do other tests which would have results within a week. Both the girl and the woman had a bad feeling about it but what was important was to take her girls home to a protective mother whom she was safe and sound.

When Peter returns home with August in the late afternoon, he finds the girls on the sofa close to the woman intent on watching a movie.

"At school they told me that Raya was taken for an accident"

"She broke her wrist" the woman replies "I didn't call you so as not to give you an extra thought"

"It's not an extra thought I want to know something like that" he warns the girl and takes her in her arms "Let me see"

"I have a lilac cast"

"This is really nice"

"I want mom"

"Come here princess!" the woman says taking her on her lap "you have to give me a few minutes because I have to talk to dad and then you and I are going to take a nap"

"What's up?" the man asks worriedly when the two arrive in the kitchen.

"The doctor did several checks, we would have the results in a week but he did not unbalance what he was looking for"

"I'm sure it's nothing" the man reassures the woman by hugging her.

"What if she finds something?"

"We will face what will be"


"Yes my love"

"How did the meeting go for Maya?"

"You don't have to worry about this we have solved everything. She will stay with us, we need a sentence but she will stay here"

"Something less to think about" the woman hugs the man even more "I want to take Raya to the Hamptons some day, I feel like I've neglected her. First August then Maya I feel I need time with her"

"You have not neglected anyone, you are always there and that little girl has a very busy life"

"It is not too much?"

"We agreed because she likes it, if for any reason she wants to leave she is free to do so and she knows it"

"You know I love you?"

"It's one of the few certainties in my life. When do you want to go?"

"Tomorrow morning?"

"I book a car and start dinner so you can be with the kids"

The following week passes for the slow couple thinking about little Raya's exam results but wearing a mask was what they had decided to do for her girl wellness.

Raya spent the week with her mother in the Hamptons where, as usual, the days passed slowly and happily between walks on the beach, horse rides, dips in the pool and pampering in front of the television. The little girl loved having a brother and sister more than anything else in the world but she was happy that her mother dedicated those days to her, the little one beyond school and extra curricular activities in a few months had built up a real online business and she liked this but at the same time it was very busy.

Upon returning home from their little escape, the little girl was very sad while the woman became more and more tense.

The plan was to meet with Peter in the doctor's office and they did.

"Daddy!" the girl runs to meet her father.

"How were my favorite girls at the beach?"

"This was super, mom made a cake it was nice but not good" the little girl laughs as she joins her husband and daughter.

"It was an attempt and the result was not the best" the woman interjects kissing her husband.

The three enter the doctor's office and are immediately received by the doctor.

Five minutes can change your life. Actually a second can change it. One word can change it. The result of a test can be a sentence of your life. The two listened to the doctor's words, reassurances, but the only thing that rang in their heads was the word "cancer". The long silence. Peter's tears. The armor of Mariska. Raya who could not process..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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