Chapter 1: Kaeya

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Kaeya rolled his eyes. He watched Jean and Diluc discuss the Dawn Winery's from his position on the stool, his arm draped lazily next to a nearly empty wine bottle. He was drunk, drunker than he'd ever been in his entire life. But then again, he thought that everytime. Maybe he drank too much. Whatever. 

Only a fool would be able to miss the chemistry between Jean and Diluc. It was so obvious. It was in the way they angled towards each other, the way Jean leaned over the counter slightly, not even realizing she was doing it, the way Diluc's cheeks tinted pink slightly whenever Jean laughed.

Kaeya reclined in his chair, sending a large rush of blood to his head. Diluc needed some help, he thought to himself. He didn't like the guy that much, as far as stepbrothers go, but Kaeya felt a duty to help him.

Yes, that was what Diluc needed. Some help with his romantic life, and maybe some good wine. Not that he didn't manufacture good wine, but Diluc just needed to understand how absolutely delicious alcohol was. And dizzy-inducing.

Jean gathered her coat, left hanging on the coatrack when she had walked in. Which had only been around 5 minutes ago, Kaeya recalled. Or was it 5 hours ago?

He watched the way Diluc followed Jean out the door, giving a small wave goodbye. Kaeya noticed that it was already dark out. Oops, he must have been here longer than he thought.

 Unburdened and careless, Kaeya swung his long legs over the barstool and braced his forearms on the counter. Diluc was facing away from Kaeya, putting away bottles on the shelf behind the counter, but Kaeya could tell that Diluc was happy, however difficult it was.

Kaeya opened his mouth to say something, but Diluc beat him to it.

"How much longer are you going to stay here? I have to be closing up soon. Just because I'm not Charles doesn't mean I won't follow the same schedule, Kaeya." Kaeya looked around with a start. The only person left in the bar other than him and Diluc was Six-Fingered José, warbling away drunkenly at a table in the back.

Kaeya decided to ignore Diluc's question. "How close are you with Jean?" He asked, leaning even further over the counter.

"We are good friends. Close enough, anyway." Diluc turned around, his arms crossed and face set in his signature frown. "Also, don't lean so far over the counter. You'll get it dirty." Kaeya rolled his eye and all but draped himself over the counter.

"D'you have romantic feelngs for Jean?" He asked, slurring some of his words a little. He hoped it wasn't too noticeable. 

However, what was noticeable was Diluc's faint blush. Diluc quickly turned around again and fiddled with something on the shelf. Kaeya took that to mean yes.

"Look, D'luc, I know you don't like me, and obviously, I don't like you, but I feel morally obliged to give you some help, because you're definitely floundering." Kaeya waved his hand dramatically. 

"Obviously, she's completely gorgeous, and super smart." Kaeya continued, oblivious to Diluc's slowly reddening face. "But the problem is, Jean's too dedcated to her work, so it'dbe so hard to have any time alone with her. Looks like yougot lucky tonight, brother."

Kaeya reached for his wine bottle to check if there were any dregs left at the bottom, but Diluc walked by and snatched it up. 

"There's nothing left in there, Kaeya, and there's nothing between Jean and I. We're just good friends, that's all. She even considers me her superior." He put a hand to his forehead as if to clear it, and then turned back around.

"That's enough for one night, Kaeya. Either pay the bill now, or have it brought to you tomorrow when you have a raging hangover and are too pissed to deal with it." Diluc handed Kaeya a long, long piece of paper detailing the escapades of the night. 

"Fine. I'll figure out some other way to help you then." Kaeya dumped a handful of Mora onto the table. The dim yellow glow shone upon the golden coins, creating winking white lights. Or maybe Kaeya's brain was doing that for him.

He stood up and walked towards the door.

"Kaeya." Diluc's voice came from behind him.

"Finally decided to take my advice, hmm? Glad to-" 

"You didn't pay enough Mora to cover the bill." Kaeya sighed, and with an eyeroll, dropped a few hundred Mora onto the table. 

He stalked out the door of the Angel's Share and turned the corner. 

One way or another, he was going to help Diluc and Jean.

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